This line of thinking is exactly what you should keep your children away from. I’m going to keep saying it; DEFUND THE TEACHER’S UNIONS
Get your kids out of public schools as soon as possible. They’re infested with Democrat/Socialist filth and are poisoning the minds of our future. Teachers & “Professors” have done more damage to this country than the [B]lack [L]ooting [M]obs could ever dream of. The number one occupation of the [ANTIFA] terrorist group is - TEACHER! - Says the FBI, if you trust them anymore.
This line of thinking is exactly what you should keep your children away from. I’m going to keep saying it; DEFUND THE TEACHER’S UNIONS Get your kids out of public schools as soon as possible. They’re infested with Democrat/Socialist filth and are poisoning the minds of our future. Teachers & “Professors” have done more damage to this country than the [B]lack [L]ooting [M]obs could ever dream of. The number one occupation of the [ANTIFA] terrorist group is - TEACHER! - Says the FBI, if you trust them anymore.
The Department of Education needs to go. Schools went to shit once education was determined at the Federal level.
All education decisions need to be made at the County or School District level.
Most of the teachers I know are members of NEA only for the insurance in case some wingnut sues them.
FDR said no government employees should be members of unions. The dims don't even go by what their own leaders have said.