I mean really. Gas jumped 60 cents in 2 days. Oil jumped $1.30 a gallon in the past week. I really hope whatever hammer is dropping drops soon. Because i’m positive we’ll be seeing $5,$6,$7 gas but I know I won’t be able to handle that weekly on top of how much everything else is gonna get for another 2.5 years.
Maybe i’m dooming. But it’s obvious the pain we all wanted to see isn’t JUST being afflicted upon the DS. Anyone have words of encouragement?
Maybe i’m in hopium withdrawal idk
How are you not safe right now, sweetie? God we have some real snowflakes amongst us.
Because you moron, we've gradually been accepting more and more devastating scenarios as this supposed plan comes into focus, despite Q saying quickly and quietly. We don't even know if Putin is actually on our side, or Xi, or Zelinsky, and everyone is grasping at straws to make sense of it. Discernment has gone out the window in trying to connect any event with a Q post.
A year or two ago, welcoming ww3 was unthinkable. Now you people are giddy as school children because you think a nuke going off somewhere is confirmation. I remain 50/50 on all of this because some proofs are flimsy. Some of you need the hopium so bad that logic has flown out the window.