Everyone should download the 50 page pdf file and save this article as a pdf to their hard drive. They will be scouring the internet to remove this information.
Is it possible the Trump admin hid this because he knew the intent was to rile people up to civil war? Anyone who followed this story back then knew the official version was garbage. This was the best reason I could come up with as to why it was hidden away.
Yes... a single person alone in a hotel room with a bump-stock rifle... would have a terrible time managing continual 3-round bursts.
I tried a bump stock and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what the big deal was. I couldn't get any string of reliable bursts going at all
Gotta relax and let it bounce. To me it’s highly counterintuitive to everything I ever learned about shooting
Everyone should download the 50 page pdf file and save this article as a pdf to their hard drive. They will be scouring the internet to remove this information.
Is it possible the Trump admin hid this because he knew the intent was to rile people up to civil war? Anyone who followed this story back then knew the official version was garbage. This was the best reason I could come up with as to why it was hidden away.