It's very clear. There is an anti-christ, there is a one-world religion, there is a mark that is on the forehead or right hand that you MUST have to buy or sell goods with the penalty of death for refusal. I would say that we are moving close but we are not there right now.
And which of the 67 English versions lays it out in exactly that detail?
Nevermind. My point is, no it isn't that specific and it's not meant to be taken that literally. The idea of an anti-Christ, one world religion and the mark and such can be argued to have already happened, in progress or has yet to happen. We could argue these stances to no end and come to our respective conclusions supporting our stances.
While insecure Christians like to cling to their affirmations for comfort, the truth is, God did not give us this knowledge so we could use it against others and vindicate ourselves. He gave it to us to see if we would be gracious or vengeful and we will be judged for how we used and abused our knowledge. And no it isn't that cut and dry. Was never meant to be. If it was, we would have all the irrefutable proof we need and there would be no doubt in anyone's mind. That would also render faith pointless and all of our current existence wouldn't have purpose.
Christians need to re-read and follow Jesus. JUST Jesus. I am sure Paul meant well with his interpretations, but what he believed was placed as law and often times I butt heads with Christians on this fact when they quote Paul over Jesus and God... Paul is a man and I do even go so far as to call him a "false prophet" because he is one if you elevate him to or above Jesus. His salvation story has the same consistency as Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, and ultimately Paul did more damage to the faith in the long run than he did good. It is not my place to say he was wrong, however more people should be open to the idea that he wasn't completely right and that we need to place what Jesus said first and and foremost and live by that however we can as best as we can.
I don't mean to argue, you make some interesting points. I just want to be helpful. God Is in control. Completely. We have to surrender our egos and accept that fact. It's not easy.
The last living apostle, John, had been forced to relocate to the island of Patmos. There, while in the spirit of God, he is shown the Revelation of Jesus. We can choose to believe John's writings as fact or not. Yes most of what John describes is symbolic but what Jesus actually speaks is not.
It's not an easy book to read or understand but what is very clear is it describes the final days of this earth and the final judgement of all the humans by God. It is a warning plain and simple. Thank you for writing!
It's very clear. There is an anti-christ, there is a one-world religion, there is a mark that is on the forehead or right hand that you MUST have to buy or sell goods with the penalty of death for refusal. I would say that we are moving close but we are not there right now.
And which of the 67 English versions lays it out in exactly that detail?
Nevermind. My point is, no it isn't that specific and it's not meant to be taken that literally. The idea of an anti-Christ, one world religion and the mark and such can be argued to have already happened, in progress or has yet to happen. We could argue these stances to no end and come to our respective conclusions supporting our stances.
While insecure Christians like to cling to their affirmations for comfort, the truth is, God did not give us this knowledge so we could use it against others and vindicate ourselves. He gave it to us to see if we would be gracious or vengeful and we will be judged for how we used and abused our knowledge. And no it isn't that cut and dry. Was never meant to be. If it was, we would have all the irrefutable proof we need and there would be no doubt in anyone's mind. That would also render faith pointless and all of our current existence wouldn't have purpose.
Christians need to re-read and follow Jesus. JUST Jesus. I am sure Paul meant well with his interpretations, but what he believed was placed as law and often times I butt heads with Christians on this fact when they quote Paul over Jesus and God... Paul is a man and I do even go so far as to call him a "false prophet" because he is one if you elevate him to or above Jesus. His salvation story has the same consistency as Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, and ultimately Paul did more damage to the faith in the long run than he did good. It is not my place to say he was wrong, however more people should be open to the idea that he wasn't completely right and that we need to place what Jesus said first and and foremost and live by that however we can as best as we can.
I don't mean to argue, you make some interesting points. I just want to be helpful. God Is in control. Completely. We have to surrender our egos and accept that fact. It's not easy.
The last living apostle, John, had been forced to relocate to the island of Patmos. There, while in the spirit of God, he is shown the Revelation of Jesus. We can choose to believe John's writings as fact or not. Yes most of what John describes is symbolic but what Jesus actually speaks is not.
It's not an easy book to read or understand but what is very clear is it describes the final days of this earth and the final judgement of all the humans by God. It is a warning plain and simple. Thank you for writing!