3 Hr. Documentary about Celebrities Exposing Elite Pedophile Rings +
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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Sick and EVIL!!!! They MUST be REMOVED from Society COMPLETELY Anyone comes NEAR my Grandbabies with ILL INTENT, they won’t have the time it takes to regret it!!! I will Personally END THEM and according to God, i will be righteously angry and Justified in taking action and arranging their meeting with God for JUDGEMENT and God’s law takes precedence.
God often works in ways that us laymen might find confusing or even cruel. I hope you and your grandchildren are safe, but know that God would never give those children a cross to bear that they couldn't handle. It might seem sick to us, but it's all according to His plan.
That's such a cowardly bullshit thing to say. You make me sick with with that lame crap.
I don't see why you took such offense to my comment, or what I said to provoke that response. Many children that have suffered sexual abuse go on to become virtuous Christian adults. One example would be Milo Yiannopoulos, who is now ex-gay and no longer thinks that an adult having sex with young teens is cool. Could it be that God used sexual abuse when he was a child to cure him of his deviant "tastes"? Almost certainly. Do not fear suffering in this life, my friend. This life is but a blip compared to eternity. Our Christian Saints suffered a lot in their lives. Some were thrown to the lions, others crucified, others worse. If a bit of buggering is all it takes to make your child into a virtuous Christian, it's a small price to pay.
It's very upsetting to me when people pretend evil is God's fault. Children commit suicide every day so people " pretend " God won't give them more than they can handle. The devil destroys people, not God. I don't mean it to be personal but I do want to call out people shifting blame from the Devil to God. I know some very decent Christians that are way to ignorant about the current evil agenda. They are useless to contribute to stopping even one evil act because they are blinded by cowardice. Pretending God is in control of evil needs to be called out. Yes, God collects the souls in the end, we should do everything we can to protect the children until that time.