You can tell by how he talks, and some of the things he's said in his emails and recordings that he's struggled with the role, but he continues on, and often with a smile.
So, let's not get all "Kumbaya" over his ass. He's still a degenerate asshat who deserves his reckoning with God.
Well, under different circumstances, Hunter wouldn't be Hunter, so what can one say? He's not a white hat. Too messed up. Too compromised. Too complicit. Not capable of the kind of social surgery that will be needed to excise the cancers. He will probably suffer...a lot. But I was honestly amazed at the quality of the art that he was producing: capable and sure over a variety of modes. My first thought was that he had someone ghost-painting for him. And then when I saw the different modes in which he was painting, I thought "It can't be one ghost-painter. It must be several." And then I realized that the concept of a little group of ghost-painters in the background was more incredible than simply accepting that Hunter could do this. So, I reckon it as God providing him a life raft on which he might bear up until he gets his feet on the ground... maybe for the first time. God's mercy is beyond human understanding. It's like watching a re-enactment of the Book of Job...except Hunter was never a man above reproach. I truly hope this is what it is.
you grow up being raped by your father, probably passed around to all his friends etc. You are going to have issues.
I think under different circumstances, Hunter would be a fine human being.
Makes me think he might be an undercover white hat - I get the feeling he is not ok with his life.
I hope I'm right, I'd like to think some of them could be saved . . . .
You can tell by how he talks, and some of the things he's said in his emails and recordings that he's struggled with the role, but he continues on, and often with a smile.
So, let's not get all "Kumbaya" over his ass. He's still a degenerate asshat who deserves his reckoning with God.
Well, under different circumstances, Hunter wouldn't be Hunter, so what can one say? He's not a white hat. Too messed up. Too compromised. Too complicit. Not capable of the kind of social surgery that will be needed to excise the cancers. He will probably suffer...a lot. But I was honestly amazed at the quality of the art that he was producing: capable and sure over a variety of modes. My first thought was that he had someone ghost-painting for him. And then when I saw the different modes in which he was painting, I thought "It can't be one ghost-painter. It must be several." And then I realized that the concept of a little group of ghost-painters in the background was more incredible than simply accepting that Hunter could do this. So, I reckon it as God providing him a life raft on which he might bear up until he gets his feet on the ground... maybe for the first time. God's mercy is beyond human understanding. It's like watching a re-enactment of the Book of Job...except Hunter was never a man above reproach. I truly hope this is what it is.
Yeah, white hat is probably a misnomer, I agree.