Reposted from Probably Alexandra:
War Narrative
The media changed the narrative from Covid-19 to Russia/Ukraine overnight.The news is a coded means of communication for different orders (ex: Jesuits, Fraternal orders, cults, etc). Specific numbers, words, colors, etc all have meaning for the ‘right’ people who hear it. There is always a double meaning.
War is a narrative changer. They no longer address Covid, inflation, supply chain issues, the economy, etc, instead, it’s WWII-style propaganda. People are dying, but it most likely is not Russia killing them.
A news article from January 2022 states:
“CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades.”
Notice the ‘if’ in the headline. What is happening is not a surprise. The article states that the soldiers were trained by the CIA starting in 2015, which was during the Obama administration. This false flag was accounted for; they would send in their CIA-trained Ukrainian soldiers that are not part of the official military, and blame Russia. In other words, a false flag.
This is a ‘dark’ move on the chessboard (black square) but no matter how many moves they make, they are in ‘check’. This is not about Ukraine vs Russia. This is about America trying to protect it’s illegal financial and dangerous biological assets in Ukraine, one of the most politically corrupt countries.
The Yahoo news article goes on to say, “The CIA-trained forces could soon play a critical role on Ukraine’s eastern border, where Russian troops have massed in what many fear is preparation for an invasion.”
CIA-trained? If you have not done so, please watch my PROGRAMMED series, part 3 (Epicenter Of Chaos). It is dedicated to the origins of the CIA and the types of activities they are involved in.
I believe this paramilitary group of trained fighters are most likely the ones killing civilians, not Russia. This false flag is blaming Russia for something someone else is doing.
Here is a list of 42 admitted false flag operations:
Russia wants to stop aggression toward Russian citizens in Ukraine, eliminate Ukraine’s corrupt political establishment, and dismantle the 11 U.S. funded biolabs operating in Ukraine. There are many other U.S. biolabs in other countries, (ex: Wuhan, China) but Russia is interested in destroying the labs closest to them.
During false flags, civilians are sometimes used as human shields. The trained militias could care less about casualties. Some groups even prefer the death of civilians as a result of their missions as it gives them more “power” depending on the ideology of the group.
World Wars
Though this might be war, it’s not the war the news is telling you about, nor is it “WWIII”, but it could be the tail end of it, which Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini’s letters predicted.
As discussed in An Inconvenient History, dark-sided occultists Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini’s letters outlined the World Wars. They wrote that it would take three world wars to destroy the world's love for nationalism, and to ensure the people would demand a One-World-Government.
The letter, written in 1871, was sent to various Masonic Lodges and explained how three world wars were to be created to bring in a One World-government, or, the dark-world-order.
One of the letters was displayed at the London Museum until 1977 where some claimed it was moved to the British Library in London. The Library claims the letter doesn’t exist. If the letter doesn’t exist, then somehow, the wars played out exactly as this non-existent letter predicted.
The letter said:
"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."
Pike is using the term ‘Illuminati’ to denote the group of people who would be the ones controlling these events.
The Freemasons were involved in the asassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand that started WWI. The goal was to create enough chaos and remove Russian Tzar Nicholas Romanov. Zionist Vladmir Lenin had created a worker’s Union called the Bolsheviks. After they executed Tsar Nicholas and his family, they began the Russian Communist Party.
The first World War played out exactly as Pike and Mazzini’s letter said it would.
Continuing with the letter,
"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
Check. Israel was created in 1948 with the help of the Rothschilds, England and the Balfour Declaration. Zionists had infiltrated Judaism, and they were free to invade Palestine, claim it for Israel, and eliminate the last true Israelites.
In 1961, an Orthodox Jew, Ben Hecht wrote the book, Perfidy, where he shows evidence that the Zionists and Reformed Jews sacrificed the Orthodox Jews of Europe and that the emigration bureaucracy of the Third Reich was run by Zionists.
The emigration officials made sure the Rothschilds and Reformed Jews got out of Europe, but the Orthodox Jews were abandoned.
In 1985, Zionist David Wyman wrote The Abandonment of the Jews, and admits that the American Zionist’s concentrated on the creation of the nation of Israel rather than try to save the Orthodox Jews in Europe.
He writes: “The unavoidable conclusion is that during the Holocaust, the leadership of American Zionism concentrated its major force on the drive for a future Jewish state in Palestine. It consigned the rescue of the Jews to a distinctly secondary position".
Communism also became stronger because in 1949, China became a communist nation. So far, the first 2 world wars seem to have accomplished the goals set out by Pike and Mazzini.
What about the Third World War? Isn’t Russia vs Ukraine going to be WWIII? Well, what if I told you the third world war is over?
According to Pike:
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zioniism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Read this sentence again,
“The multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.”
Pike is using ‘Lucifer’ as the Masonic definition of gnosis or “enlightenment”. We have discussed this in the MINDGAME series. However, An Inconvenient Reality details how The Great Awakening is the long-awaited Age of Aquarius, which is the “pure doctrine of Lucifer”.
True Christianity has been replaced with mystic or Masonic Christianity and atheism replaced with pseudo-pagan or New Age allegiance. These two are not separate things. The reason for the disillusionment of Christianity is because the Masons infiltrated and destroyed churches with their Freemasonic members and doctrines starting in the early 1900s. (described in An Inconvenient History and The Antichrist Investigation).
After 9/11/01, Pike and Mazzini’s WWIII played out and we are living in the end stages of it now.
The Great Awakening movement is the ‘new Christianity’ for many.
Pike and Mazzini wrote that “it would take three world wars to destroy the world's love for nationalism, and to ensure the people would demand a One-World-Government.”
What we’re experiencing now is the dying gasps of a marauding monster that knows it’s cornered. As you will recall from many of my videos, or your own research, there are two sides in the occult; the dark and the light. Magick is about attempting to balance these two. Occultist Aliester Crowley crudely symbolized this philosophy with his ontological mathematical equation of 0=2, or 0= 1+(-1).
For there to be light, there must be darkness. If there is darkness, it must be shifted to the light, meaning the darkness loses its power in order to ‘balance’ the proverbial pendulum. As Hegel’s dialectical process of Totality proposes,”every stage or phase or moment is partial, and therefore partially untrue”. They create a problem, to gain the desired reaction, to achieve the planned solution.
The Dark Stands United
Covid led to the truckers Freedom Convoy, which comes at the time of indictments, which causes panic in the lower-upper levels of the elite, which leads to war, which will lead to xyz. The dialectic goes on.
These events do not, and cannot, stand alone. They are all grains of sand in an hourglass, pieces of a puzzle, snow being packed into a snowball rolling down a hill, a tale unfolding over time. Each event builds on the last to get to their ultimate goal. Remember the larger story, the bigger picture. Do not get caught up in the propaganda. What you’re being told, and what you’re seeing is not accurate or true. It’s dialectics meant to get to a solution. Watch it unfold, don’t get emotionally invested.
We are living in the inversion, from dark to light, and the events we are and will continue to witness in rapid succession are part of this process. This is why I believe so many have been being prepared, and shown the harsh truths of this world by the Holy Spirit over the past few years, so this onslaught of deception and confusion could be navigated without drowning in the ever-muddying waters.
The goal was never a dark-world-order (what most call the New World Order), the goal is and has always been “The Aquarian Age”, or as it’s called now “The Great Awakening”. It is a New World Order from the one we have lived in because it is no longer the ‘dark’ who’s in control, it’s the ‘light’. People ARE demanding a one-world government, a government controlled by the people, not the tyrants. That’s the Great Awakening, the Aquarian Age, The Golden Age, etc. discussed by countless occultists (P. Hall, Blavatsky, etc) and we have discussed this topic at length in An Inconvenient Reality.
The media’s playbook is known. They are treating Putin exactly the same as they treated Trump. Orange man bad, Russia man bad. The Russian ambassador to the UN stated Trump was the legitimately elected President and was overthrown.
The media took a stand with Ukraine before anyone knew what was going on, thus, forming your opinion for you. Notice who is standing with Ukraine - this shows you who is ‘black’ and who is ‘white’, who is ‘dark’ and who is ‘light’.
Ex: Soros, Marina Abromovic, Petro Poroshenko, Hollywood, etc
All of congress came together and stood holding an American flag with the Ukraine flag’s colors grafted onto it. This is a visual example of how many in government support this false flag.
Sean Hannity’s allegiance was shown when he recently suggested Putin’s assassination: “Vladimir Putin started this war.” He said, “civilized countries need to agree that he must be removed sooner than later, and by whatever means necessary."
On a March 3, Fox news show, Senator Lindsey Graham said “the only way for this to end is for someone to take this guy out”, referring to Putin. He even tweeted it
The Official Ukraine Twitter account posted a video of all of Hollywood showing their support for Ukraine.
Remember in the beginning of Covid how the celebrities were the tools used to shape the minds of the people? Their methodology is predictable. Celebrities are not called ‘change agents’ for no reason; they tell you how/what to think.
Continued at Probably Alexandra
"Russia wants to stop aggression toward Russian citizens in Ukraine, eliminate Ukraine’s corrupt political establishment, and dismantle the 11 U.S. funded biolabs operating in Ukraine. There are many other U.S. biolabs in other countries, (ex: Wuhan, China) but Russia is interested in destroying the labs closest to them."
Devin Nunes first post on Truth Social was a picture of a winery... later pictures he "randomly" posted show he grows grapes on his farm and testing wine... and a quick search shows Nunes is invested in a winery...
Nunes first post on Truth Social below...
Below copy/paste theorizes Nunes is (certainly now) is Q cleared and is integral to ongoing Q operations. Post of the winery picture was a reveal that a prime target for the next phase of kinetic Q operations would be the bio-weapons facilities (note that cylinder of nitrogen in the back left, vats, etc.
Devin Nunes cuts the ribbon on TRUTH at 23:11.40 ET on Thursday, 10 FEB 2022 (times ET)
drop / photo #1, the same kind of equipment you might find in a winery you might find in a bio lab.
drop / photo #2, click on the photo and zoom... look closely at the driver.
drop #3, headline to a satire article and link to The Babylon Bee.
Babylon ...(bear with me)
Bee = B
B 05/29/21 (Sat) 15:24:40 No. 111
Fact Vs. Fiction
We will not tell you which is which, the choice is yours.
Who gave you the Playbooks?
Who helps you answer Questions?
today is 6 March 2020. use the following link to go the zerohedge news site to the page (in the past) indicated. first, if you can, change the time zone on you computer to UTC 00:00:00 (Coordinated Universal Time or ZULU time. this will allow you pull up the zerohedge site and the article's date time stamp will display UTC/ZULU time.
if you cannot do this (just for the period of time you have a tab up with the zerohedge site) the file time for the articles will display according to whatever time zone you are in.
if you change the time zone on you computer, be sure to change it back when you are done using the site.
otherwise, get out a pencil.
UTC / ZULU 00:00:00
Washington D.C. is -5 hr off UTC / ZULU.
Moscow is + 3 hrs off from UTC / ZULU.
you must then take into account whatever time zone you are in and subtract or add to the UTC/ZULU time as appropriate.
you must stay aware that at 00:01:00 UTC ZULU (one minute after midnight) it is is 19:01:00 the day before in D.C and 03:01:00 the next day in Moscow.
should take you close to the 12 February 2002.
if you read this on 7 March 2022 you can just change the page number at the end of the url to /59 or 60 (to account for the passing days and new articles are added to the site).
one other thing to remember, use the buttons on the bottom of the page to go forward or back on the site (trust me) and remember PREV will advance you in time and NEXT will take you back in time.
once you have accessed zerohedge as indicated above, you want to find this article as datum...
(note... this retrieval only gets you to this article, not to the zerohedge site pages, you cannot navigate the site off the article only retrieval above.)
if you have changed your time zone to UTC, you should be looking at this
article in zerohedge date/time SUN FEB 13, 2:30 AM. UTC
SAT FEB 12, 9:30 PM Wash D.C (-5)
SUN FEB 13, 5:30 AM Moscow Time (+3)
now about this first article. when you are on the main page, you see a picture of Klaus Schwab... this one... photo shopped.
when you click on the article you will see a different picture inside (we are only concerned with photos for now).
go back to the main page and scroll up one article... should be this
date/time SUN FEB 13, 3:00 AM UTC
SAT FEB 12, 10:00 PM Wash D.C. (-5)
SUN FEB 13, 6:00 AM Moscow.
look at the picture, read the article, ideology ancient enemy of civilization.
"In Jewish tradition, Babylon symbolizes an oppressor against which righteous believers must struggle.[citation needed] In Christianity, Babylon symbolizes worldliness and evil."
click TO15 Q drop...
make sure the time zone select is set for UTC... it is the very first selection in the pull down menu of time zones.
date/time SUN FEB 12, 3:12 AM UTC
SAT FEB 12, 10:12 PM Wash D.C.
SUN FEB 13, 6:12 AM Moscow
TO15 02/13/2022 = 17
look at the picture in the drop
due to covid 19 WW3 will be carried out online
superimposed on back of monitor - u/joshvir262
scroll the rest of the 12th and then scroll on 13th and see what is happening.
pay attention to pictures on the page (not the article so much)
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
review the initial set of 10 drops on the 10th from 23:11:10 to 23:59:15 (ET -5).
scroll back over zerohedge pages for 12 and 13 Feb... look at the pictures with the articles on pages...
Trump, Putin, Xi, Abe, Modi colluded to block Hillary's hack of the 2016 election, blocking or corrupting the data streams via satellite and submerged FO cables. No Hail Mary, no pulling a rabbit out of a hat, no election steal on election day/evening, or early the next morning (which was allowed to happen in 2020 to force election traffickers to overplay their hand since they were blamed for the screw up in 2016). Papadopoulos, Page, Don Jr. (Veselnitskaya meeting in Trump Tower, etc., are dangled as low hanging fruit for the black hats to see as targets for the frame of Trump colluding with the Russians (which, technically he did, but not to collude to win but to be honest -- that's a plot twist the Blacks Hats didn't see coming, having to cheat to be honest. The Black Hats thought the Russians helped Trump to win, not to cooperate and coordinate with Xi, Abe, and Modi to not let Hilary cheat)... All the time the Black Hats thought they had Trump et. al. set up for a haymaker, Trump rope-a-doped them for 4 years. Remember when Putin did nothing when Obama PNG's 35 Russian diplomats and closed two diplomatic facilites... that was supposed to be a poison pill for Trump and a red cape for Putin to charge. Trump did not swallow the pill and Putin did not take the bait. They didn't have to. They had a master plan...
The 2018 election was a dry run for the spec ops groups to dry run the sting for 2020 to have all the county and state election offices under surveillance and monitored (all kinds of monitoring, cell phones, bank accounts, physical locations, drop boxes, etc.. they got it all... legally (devolution explains). Then those groups approached and allied with civilian groups and individuals who became the organic voices exposing the the election trafficking and fraud.
The Russia Hoax is not the Black Hats trying to frame Trump and the White Hats. The Russia Hoax was the White Hats baiting the Black Hats to try and frame the White Hats.
Durham has the receipts... but this is the game he has been playing up to now..
That is why this Truth post by Devin Nunes on 12 Feb 2022...
makes perfect sense because...
you should be getting a future proves past vibe about now.
news unlocks
check this out...
play this
and this
at the same time two tabs.
now watch this...
Dr. Epstein Testimony 18 July 2019 (watch full video)
Transcript opening remarks and Bloomburg Businessweek article mentioned in opening remarks. The question and answer segment in the video with Sen Cruz is remarkable as well.
Dr. Epstein Hillsdale College Speech 17 Nov 2020
u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
Let the false accusations be levied so that the public is ready for when the real Biden crimes are exposed. Foreshadowing? Preconditioning? Trolling?