The dude is a full fledged KGB communist. If he succeeds it won't be the soviet union in name but it will be in practice. Putin has created a one party central government which takes property when it sees fit, allows for no dissent and has far less personal freedom than the Russian people did 20 years ago.
I think if he had stuck to his stated goal of freeing the donbass region from Ukraine control, he would be fine.
He didn't do that, and it is clear he never had the intention of doing so, seeing as he invaded the whole of the country within a day of his "peace keeping" mission.
This is an attack of conquest on a large population who, as a whole, truly hate the idea of being ruled by Russia (Soviets) again.
I am not saying the Ukraine government is not corrupt, but the idea that Putin, a KGB agent who became a billionaire in the 90s in Russia is NOT corrupt is fucking laughable.
These are former soviet states we are talking about, corruption is rampant and Putin is the king of corruption and wants to re-establish old soviet borders, he has openly stated his goals. He also murders opposition, he jails anyone who speaks against the state, people posting on a site like THIS VERY SITE would risk jail in Putin's Russia.
The Ukraine is an imperfect nation, but they are better off struggling to find real democracy and freedom with the West than once again being under the thumb of what is in all practice a Russian communist leader.
He stated precisely the opposite two weeks ago, that Russia respects the sovereignty of the former USSR nations, as evidenced by their support of Kazakhstan in their recent economic catastrophe (where the President canceled debts of private citizens instead of bailing out the banks).
Watch the whole speech and don't take anyone's word about what anyone says unless you see their lips flapping- obviously with the translations that's a bit harder, but just assume you're being lied to when you hear something scary amidst the popular consciousness. Our adversary is Lucifer, the Father of Lies, and the Global Criminal Cabal serves him.
Putin has stated explicitly that his goal in recognizing the independence of the breakaway regions and engaging in military operations in Ukraine is supporting the Russian-speaking peoples' right to not be murdered and oppressed by their government. This is why we keep hearing that the bombing of civilian areas is happening from the Ukrainian side and that it's been regular for 8 years. We're not seeing people screaming in terror cleaning up rubble amidst dead bodies, they just look like they're tired of it and like it's just a normal Tuesday.
Is Putin the good guy? I don't know. It would be wonderful if his stated goals are hones and forthright, but it is impossible for us to really know.
Actual quote by Putin: " it is worth acknowledging that the demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century".
Considering that he has stated as much... yes.
The dude is a full fledged KGB communist. If he succeeds it won't be the soviet union in name but it will be in practice. Putin has created a one party central government which takes property when it sees fit, allows for no dissent and has far less personal freedom than the Russian people did 20 years ago.
Cleaning house!
I think if he had stuck to his stated goal of freeing the donbass region from Ukraine control, he would be fine.
He didn't do that, and it is clear he never had the intention of doing so, seeing as he invaded the whole of the country within a day of his "peace keeping" mission.
This is an attack of conquest on a large population who, as a whole, truly hate the idea of being ruled by Russia (Soviets) again.
I am not saying the Ukraine government is not corrupt, but the idea that Putin, a KGB agent who became a billionaire in the 90s in Russia is NOT corrupt is fucking laughable.
These are former soviet states we are talking about, corruption is rampant and Putin is the king of corruption and wants to re-establish old soviet borders, he has openly stated his goals. He also murders opposition, he jails anyone who speaks against the state, people posting on a site like THIS VERY SITE would risk jail in Putin's Russia.
The Ukraine is an imperfect nation, but they are better off struggling to find real democracy and freedom with the West than once again being under the thumb of what is in all practice a Russian communist leader.
He stated precisely the opposite two weeks ago, that Russia respects the sovereignty of the former USSR nations, as evidenced by their support of Kazakhstan in their recent economic catastrophe (where the President canceled debts of private citizens instead of bailing out the banks).
Here's the timestamp.
The MSM did not cover the cancellation of debts at all. Surprised?
Watch the whole speech and don't take anyone's word about what anyone says unless you see their lips flapping- obviously with the translations that's a bit harder, but just assume you're being lied to when you hear something scary amidst the popular consciousness. Our adversary is Lucifer, the Father of Lies, and the Global Criminal Cabal serves him.
Putin has stated explicitly that his goal in recognizing the independence of the breakaway regions and engaging in military operations in Ukraine is supporting the Russian-speaking peoples' right to not be murdered and oppressed by their government. This is why we keep hearing that the bombing of civilian areas is happening from the Ukrainian side and that it's been regular for 8 years. We're not seeing people screaming in terror cleaning up rubble amidst dead bodies, they just look like they're tired of it and like it's just a normal Tuesday.
Is Putin the good guy? I don't know. It would be wonderful if his stated goals are hones and forthright, but it is impossible for us to really know.