These Russian sanctions could be a really big deal for the US. Without Nickel you cannot make stainless steel.
Without oil...
From what I was reading Russia now wants gold in payment for oil. I don't know if that is true but if it is it is a death blow to the deep state.
They have been stockpiling gold according to multiple sources I'm sure you can verify. I'm gonna say it... GESARA. Others are looking at gold backed currencies too.
If I had a "Ni" for every time this happens.
Nerds will get it!
Most barbarians wouldn't know of the periodic chart, but you're on GAW.
I don't think stopping trading stops the margin calls.
These Russian sanctions could be a really big deal for the US. Without Nickel you cannot make stainless steel. Without oil... From what I was reading Russia now wants gold in payment for oil. I don't know if that is true but if it is it is a death blow to the deep state.
They have been stockpiling gold according to multiple sources I'm sure you can verify. I'm gonna say it... GESARA. Others are looking at gold backed currencies too.