183 THE BLAZE: JOE ROGAN: Joe Rogan: "I’m not a doctor, but when you’ve got man-boobs, and a gut, and you’re walking around, and you have like these toothpick arms — I’m like, 'Hey buddy, you’re not healthy.'" (media.patriots.win) posted 3 years ago by updoot_news 3 years ago by updoot_news +183 / -0 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
PSA to all pedes here…
Do YOU have man boobs? Wish it would just go away?
1 — STOP eating simple sugars (all forms)
2 — Eat healthy meats, fats
3 — Workout, please. You’re a man, you were meant to carry heavy shit, do it.
If you can’t carry heavy stuff yet, #1 will help you reduce body inflammation. #2 will strengthen your joints, bones, etc.
#3 will increase your T levels.
Good luck.
Great and simple advice.
"Well, health like gender is on a spectrum you see!"
Is it just me, or is Bill Gates getting to look more and more like Woody Allen? 😄
Good call.
Because biologically female.
Whenever I mention Bill Gates from now on, it will be as "man-boobs Bill Gates."
To be fair neither is Gates but it didn't stop him from swaying policy with his shit head opinions.
Because biologically female.
U-G-L-Y he ain’t got no alibi