I hope she hangs for treason. Her participation in colluding to install U.S. puppets in the Ukraine government is disgusting. Also the U.S. installing bio weapon labs worldwide is inexcusable, that is why all involved in any of the worldwide labs from government dow to scientists must all be removed, arrested, and go to trial-public trial. They have made the U.S., a once great country, appear as evil as China.
What is the issue with US officials talking to officials from other countries about strategies to get elected?
I would think that would 100% be in the wheelhouse of US ambassadors/officials to promote and encourage the success of officials in other countries that promote our ideas of democracy.
I see people with the surprised pinkachu face who say "OMG they are talking about how foreign officials can position themselves to win their elections" and I'm like, and what exactly is wrong with doing that? Is advice now unethical? Is sharing who we favor and who we dont favor now unethical? Hell, when we dont like a leader we launch planes, bombs and drop soldiers from the skies to remove foreign leaders (noriega, Saddam..).
I just dont see what the gasp worthy issue with talking about foreign elections is.
Same with the Russian FB ads. I dont see what is wrong at all with foreign nations saying, hey, we hope this person wins. It's in their interest to do so. Now a US block on US companies running ads for elections from foreign people is fine, but that wouldnt be on the foreign countries, that would be on the US companies to be policed by the US. Can we start with China please? Didnt hear much about them last election, but sure did hear a lot about Russia.If foreign countries run ads for other country elections in foreign/global newspapers, I dont see what that speech should be prohibited at all.
I hope she hangs for treason. Her participation in colluding to install U.S. puppets in the Ukraine government is disgusting. Also the U.S. installing bio weapon labs worldwide is inexcusable, that is why all involved in any of the worldwide labs from government dow to scientists must all be removed, arrested, and go to trial-public trial. They have made the U.S., a once great country, appear as evil as China.
What is the issue with US officials talking to officials from other countries about strategies to get elected?
I would think that would 100% be in the wheelhouse of US ambassadors/officials to promote and encourage the success of officials in other countries that promote our ideas of democracy.
I see people with the surprised pinkachu face who say "OMG they are talking about how foreign officials can position themselves to win their elections" and I'm like, and what exactly is wrong with doing that? Is advice now unethical? Is sharing who we favor and who we dont favor now unethical? Hell, when we dont like a leader we launch planes, bombs and drop soldiers from the skies to remove foreign leaders (noriega, Saddam..).
I just dont see what the gasp worthy issue with talking about foreign elections is.
Same with the Russian FB ads. I dont see what is wrong at all with foreign nations saying, hey, we hope this person wins. It's in their interest to do so. Now a US block on US companies running ads for elections from foreign people is fine, but that wouldnt be on the foreign countries, that would be on the US companies to be policed by the US. Can we start with China please? Didnt hear much about them last election, but sure did hear a lot about Russia.If foreign countries run ads for other country elections in foreign/global newspapers, I dont see what that speech should be prohibited at all.