Suppose the guy was named Mike, and he was a good friend, mostly conservative, and he was getting all upset about the Ukraine situation.
I would say something like this.
"Now, Mike, you already know I believe that the world is run by a group of satanic pedophiles. They control the media, they control the governments, etc... You know why I believe this -- it's based on the evidence I have seen.
"Now, Mike, consider who is supporting Ukraine. All of these people who are part of a global conspiracy to commit white genocide and make a one-world government, the NWO - new world order. WEF - world economic foundation. Soros' Open Society. Gates and everyone else who wants to recreate mankind in their image.
"Now, Mike, I ask you to consider this: Have you ever been to Ukraine? Do you know any Ukrainians living in Ukraine? Can you trust a word the media has ever said for the past 10, 20 years? Do you really trust the images and videos you see on the internet?
"Now, Mike, I ask you to consider why you are feeling the way you are. Did you watch the news? Don't you know that all the news is fake? Don't you know that they manipulate your emotions, preying on fear, anger, compassion, etc, all to try to get you to contort yourself to their will? Propaganda works. You really have to turn off the TV Mike. It doesn't make your life better. Turn off the radio too. Read the Bible, Mike.
"Now, Mike, I beg you remember these facts Hunter Biden was on the board of an energy company in Ukraine while his dad was Vice President. Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop to get worked on and never picked it up, and when the repairman seized the laptop per the contract and looked at what was on it, he found all sorts of crazy things. He gave the laptop to the FBI, which promptly tried to cover it up, and then he sent a copy of the hard drive to people he could trust. You know what was on the hard drive, Mike? Blackmail material. Material made BY the Bidens so that Ukraine can control them.
"Finally, Mike, you know who was accessing our voting machines curing the 2020 elections? That's right Mike, UKRAINE was one of the many countries accessing and manipulating our voting. Now, for that fact alone, I would be quite happy to see the entire country burn to the ground, because by manipulating our elections, they have not only committed an act of WAR against WE THE PEOPLE, but the people they were supporting are now pretending to be president and senators and representatives and governors and AGs. That is, OUR GOVERNMENT IS INFILTRATED BY UKRAINIAN AGENTS, and THAT, MIKE, THAT is why I want to see the Ukrainian government overthrown. If Putin could do us a favor and overthrow the other countries on that list, I would propose we make him a national hero.
"Remember, Mike, throughout all the investigations into Trump and Russia, never once did a single shred of evidence exist that Putin or Russia did anything to our election or political system. So in a way, Putin is BETTER than the democrats and RINOs, because he is the one guy who isn't ruining our country.
"Call me a conspiracy theorist, or racist, or whatever you want Mike -- this is what I believe, and this is why I am always going to be a Putin fanboy. I hope he wins. And then I hope he invades America next!"
Darn it. I was gonna use it, but unfortunately my friend's name is not Mike :(