posted ago by bgny ago by bgny +41 / -0

Observe the degeneracy & utter depravity that you see being promoted in The West. Particularly in places like the U.S. & the UK.

Ask yourself: Do you think Vladimir Putin allows these things to run freely in Russia? Do you think they would allow this kind of sickness?

Ask yourself: Why does this Ukraine have so many biolabs created specifically for creating biological weapons? Didn’t a virus recently ‘leak’ from a biolab & put the entire world in the blender?

Who do you see championing Ukraine? Do those people ever champion good things?

After the last few years, do you trust and believe in the media?

When all media falls in line to push the same narrative, has what they’re pushing ever been a good thing for you, your family, or society?

Whose side is the World Economic Forum on? Do you trust the WEF?

Ukraine’s army has an official Nazi presence. That Nazi presence is also very powerful in their government. It’s not a secret.

Have you been told about this?

Oh, they’re also CIA-trained and funded. Were you told about that by your media? If not, why?

Strange, no?

Did you know that Nancy Pelosi’s son Mitt Romney’s son John Kerry’s son And Joe Biden’s son

all have official paid board positions on Ukrainian energy companies?

Why? What do all of them know about energy?

Suspicious, no?

This is a “demonstration” for Ukraine: https://a.uguu.se/hhgGhWAh.mp4

Have the people who do things like this ever championed anything righteous?

Who is organizing, publicizing, and facilitating this mass global support movement? Does this look organic to you?

I’m not religious, but Russia is one of the last openly Christian, Conservative nations.

Is Christianity, Conservatism, family values, morality, etc., are those things promoted or demonized in the west?

Is masculinity & strength valued in the west?

Are they deemed good?

Also, do you know why Lindsey Graham & John McCain were in Ukraine in January 2016 trying to stoke a war between Ukraine/Russia?

What do you think happened in 2016 to put a stop to that push?

What has changed within the last 14-16 months to help stoke that conflict again?

From thread: https://pingthread.com/thread/1501195209987735564