This is it, frens. This is what we've all been patiently and impatiently (me especially), waiting for.
The beginning of a glorious time of darkness to light.
For China to publicly urge the US to declare what type of shit they had in those Ukraine labs is unreal.
Step by step.
...wouldn't it be the sweetest irony if the "flu" was discovered to be of CIA origin and not China?
The Q post dated 12/7/19 asking where is Soros? Ukraine? and then Shazam , covud breaks out in China. Was it transported to China out of a biolab in Ukraine to both initiate world lockdowns and usher in Great Reset while simultaneously planting the seed for WIII U.S. vs China
I'm starting to think that COVID was released in both the USA and Wuhan for maximum coverage. Remember, millions of Chinese were going to be returning to their homes in Western Europe right after Chinese New Years.
COVID is a glorified cold. They knew this. However, it was more than enough for them to roll out a vaccine ... A vaccine that every government on the planet was basically shoving down people's throats the moment it was, them, approved.
What I think was coming next was a slightly stronger pathogen out of Ukraine. We seem to be realizing that the vax causes some kind of AIDS like response in people that don't die from it. I'm thinking something like the pig flu ... Millions would die if their immune system is compromised. For good measure, they could blame antivaxers for a mutation or some other bullshit.
That scheme could kill billions. The people not on top of the food chain could have help developed this shit and not have a clue as to what they were contributing since their plan in loved multiple parts ... Any one part isn't that deadly, but combine the vax with a more deadly virus and you can kill billions without the world being destroyed by war. You also have the added benefit of no radiation ... So long as you aren't vaxxed, this second wave virus won't kill you.
I think we will know very soon.
The only bug in that plan is that the ones who got jabbed are predominantly the 'worker' class. Won't that severely damage their (DS) quality of life going forward? Killing the golden goose?
Not to mention that they're left over with the unvaxxed, the people like us who don't trust them, who would cause the most issues in their NWO while they would be killing off all the obedient sheep. It doesn't make sense at all.