I want to be a winner but I feel like a loser because I have done nothing great in this world. I define great as creating something that masses of people get benefit from - an impactful change on some part of the world. Every time I try I fail.
To motivate myself, I watch clips of Trump videos giving advice to succeed, but I don't think it's working. Lately I haven't been feeling motivated to do my current work because I don't feel like it's making an impact. I'm questioning if it's the kind of work that I truly love. I know I need to find what I love and do that because if I do, I'll never stop doing it.
I'm not sure what to do. I suppose I'm asking for advice so that I can make something of myself and do something great that people care about. If I keep doing things not many care about, there's no point to keep doing it. At the same time, I'm asking myself what I should do. Any thoughts are appreciated. God bless.
A man and his son were walking along the beach one morning after a storm.
Eventually they came across a starfish, stranded on the sand. The boy knew that soon it would dry out and die, so he picked it up and threw it into the ocean. His father smiled at him and said what a kindness it was.
As they walked further, they came upon a stretch of beach where there were hundreds of thousands of starfish stranded on the sand, drying out and near to dying, As they continued walking along, the boy would stoop, pick up a starfish and throw it into the water. His father asked; "what is the point, son? you can not save them all. You are just wasting your time." The boy replied; "Maybe so, but I saved that one."
u/quinoa, It is not for you to decide whether you have done some great thing... That is for God to decide. Do good everyday. God will find the right thing for you to do, when it is time, and in his eyes it will be great enough. All else is just ego. Be at peace.
Wonderful reply. God bless!
Volunteer. I started volunteering at an organic vegetable farm when I was 20. Now I'm 31 and my wife and I are looking into buying our own farm after years of leasing land. But just getting out there and helping someone, anyone, any way is going to help motivate you and in the end help yourself. But food is my favorite way to connect with people. And growing it is easy.
Did you submit to the vaccine? Have you stood up to people about masks and vaccines in your personal life? Do you stand up when people bring up politics and you speak what you think? Are your kids in school and forced to mask and vaccinate and have you stood up against it and made it 100% clear you won’t participate in the experiment on the human population? If nothing else have you gotten the involved locally politically and stood for Trump? If none of those you are failing and should do more.
Sometimes just a smile in the right direction can lead to someone else’s greatness which in itself is great. Part of the spiritual awakening is this internal battle of wanting to good because you have now witnessed so much evil. Start small and with yourself. I am trying to make myself happy. I am working less, being outside more, being active, eating properly and thats hard enough to do that when you are fighting a system that is designed to bring you down. After some time passed of me working on myself I have been able to digress and work toward others. You’ll get there patriot. But think simple to start…volunteer to an animal shelter, make sandwiches or hot lunches for the homeless in the area, volunteer reading a book for children at the library, pick up trash around the neighborhood. The big stuff will come!! God Bless!!
I work in a gas station in ND, my attitude is I cant change the world, but I can change the world around me.
I get people in there from not only all over to country, but many other countries as well. Even if it's just the couple minutes I have when ringing up their snacks I try to make it a positive experience for everyone. I know it can have a ripple effect.
I think if you take joy in what you do, and do it well no matter what it is, then you will have made the world a better place.
Also it's kind of funny but you know that four degrees of separation thing? A son of a friend of mine drove limo for Bush Jr and Tony Blair. Since I know the son as well I'm three degrees of separation from the Queen. I just think that's hilarious. But it shows your circle of influence is larger than you think.
Your eyes and ears are open at least a little
Thats better than most people.
How about working on your mind? How much of the Bible have you read? How many of the classic literary masterpieces have you read? Do you have a favorite composer? What's your workout routine?
Do what YOU love cuz then you’ll be good at because you are passionate about it.
You may be doing great things and not even be aware of it. I don't have any children and decided long ago that the only legacy I could generate would be the positive effect I could have on others...taking in stray animals, working with people and their horses to improve their communication with one another, and things of that nature. Sometimes I've had a profound positive effect on others when I was just being me and doing what I do (I only know this because some have told me). The really good part of this is that it's like dropping a pebble in the water...the good you do for one can ripple out to others in ways you can't even begin to imagine. So there's that.
Figure out what you're passionate about (for me it's horses), then figure out how you can turn your passion into something that benefits others. Doing something you love doing is the quickest way to success that I know. How many people you impact with your success may only be limited by your imagination.