posted ago by HereForMemes ago by HereForMemes +74 / -2

Found something juicy in an old article? Instead of a screenshot ... share the article so we can all verify for ourselves and scrutinize the info being presented. Were in the middle of an info war. We have been fed all sorts of nonsense and one of our best defenses is asking for sauce.

Does your twitter screenshot have any sort of proof or sauce tied to it or is it just some random persons opinion on twitter? Again, share the LINK to the tweet and not just a screen screenshot unless its obviously just someones opinion. If thats the case then frame it as such instead of pretending its confirmed.

Great claims require great proof. The burden of proof rests on the parties making the claim.

Sauce is crucual. Ask for sauce. Just because you assume everyone here has the best of intentions and wouldn't betray your trust does not remotely mean thats the case. If we just start taking everyone's "word for it" or taking everything at face value were no different then the idiots that watch cnn and believe all the unverified nonsense they see on twitter.