I need all the peer reviewed studies that show that Ivermectin has been effective. I've seen you guys drop like 50 links to different studies at a time. That would be really helpful right now. Hydroxychloroquine too. If my wife wants data, I'll give her data. But I need your help.
*Edit - here is a link to the study she sent me that she thinks is now definitive proof it doesn't work. What do you spot wrong with this study? Thanks in advance. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04920942
**Edit - Thanks to everyone. Great stuff. Such a great community.
Seriously, look at the Substacks and/or Telegram feeds and/or websites etc of Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Steve Kirsch, Mike Yeadon, Robert Kennedy Jnr... If you're not aware of these people's contribution to the early treatment debate in which Ivermectin and HCQ is heavily involved, you're behind the curve.
Tess Lawrie released a video letter to Dr Andrew Hill this week based on her Zoom call with him a year ago when, as a trusted cog in the WHO wheel, he acknowledged the efficacy of Ivermectin and was in a position to recommend it for use worldwide but eventually reneged and discredited the drug on the basis of pressure he endured forcing him to speak out AGAINST Ivermectin. It's all recorded, documented and on the public record and is an extraordinary exposé of corruption and criminality within the upper echelons of science - Tess Lawrie's film is here: https://www.oraclefilms.com/alettertoandrewhill