Reality and Mayor Pete be like Forest Fires and Antarctica !!!
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This reminds me of a Vine I saw somewhere. "ADHD friends? Just tell 'em to focus. Asthmatic friends? Just tell 'em to breathe..."
Crippled? Just go ahead and walk.
This is gold!
Keep in mind this about electric cars, there is no such thing as an old cheap clunker. You can buy a 1985 Buick for $1000 and drive the hell out of it. But old batteries just don't hold up. Think of the battery life of an old laptop. Not gonna work.
You can buy an 85 Buick put a few grand in it over a year and drive it till you die.
Which will be the first time you get in an accident over 30 mph lol. I kid but they really were so much less safe in a crash
The mayor of "Pothole City" is our transportation secretary.
Stop being poor!
They are making propaganda in Lock Step: Same came from Biden and I made this:
This guy is a fucking hand puppet. Demented little gay man.
Sounds logical if you have the money filtered to you by the government bribes. How many homes do you have Pete and who paid for the adoption of twins or the surrogacy. Neither are inexpensive. I guess that government job pays very well.........
He be thinkin, "let them eat caca", unlike Marie A. at least wanted them to eat something yummy... 😜
Or "Eat bugs and weeds."