Chart should show Reporting Interval timeframe AND who (CDC or FDA) generated the numbers. I believe this is the reporting from first vaxs mid-December 2021-Jan or Feb 2022? The 1223 fatalities is huge and should have shut down the vaccines
immediately. Makes it look like the Biden Administration, Pharma, etc. intended to kill people.
These shots were given under EUA. What are the previous death counts that have caused a new vaccine to be pulled off market?
Chart should show Reporting Interval timeframe AND who (CDC or FDA) generated the numbers. I believe this is the reporting from first vaxs mid-December 2021-Jan or Feb 2022? The 1223 fatalities is huge and should have shut down the vaccines immediately. Makes it look like the Biden Administration, Pharma, etc. intended to kill people.
These shots were given under EUA. What are the previous death counts that have caused a new vaccine to be pulled off market?