["NATO ALLIANCE" stands for Nookie-Ass-Tits-Oral Alliance, of which we stand firmly in defense of, together with U.Crane (sister of Danny Crane or some type of bird? I don' t know. (]For her knowledge of the Parse-Syntax-Grammar is with the performance of the speaking of the void-facts &: void-meaning with the ployment of the sophistry & duo-plicity by her 2-years-training with the Parse-Syntax-Grammar with the: David-Wyn: Miller.))
["NATO ALLIANCE" stands for Nookie-Ass-Tits-Oral Alliance, of which we stand firmly in defense of, together with U.Crane (sister of Danny Crane or some type of bird? I don' t know. (]For her knowledge of the Parse-Syntax-Grammar is with the performance of the speaking of the void-facts &: void-meaning with the ployment of the sophistry & duo-plicity by her 2-years-training with the Parse-Syntax-Grammar with the: David-Wyn: Miller.))