food for thought; when britain was testing its atom bomb the prime minister had two letters to the man heading the development program penned pre-emptively, one read "hard luck Dr. Penny" the other read "Congratulations Sir William"
Yeah, and even if this second hand info tweet is true, it could be any British company that ordered them. Maybe a company is speculating that she'll die this year and taking a chance by buying these items to then have on hand and be ready to sell the instant her death goes public. If they're one of the few with such memorabilia ready and waiting to sell, they'd probably make good money.
food for thought; when britain was testing its atom bomb the prime minister had two letters to the man heading the development program penned pre-emptively, one read "hard luck Dr. Penny" the other read "Congratulations Sir William"
What's a few million to spread misinfo? And like Fisherman says, it could even be profitable.
And they make stuff for both Super Bowel teams.
Yeah, and even if this second hand info tweet is true, it could be any British company that ordered them. Maybe a company is speculating that she'll die this year and taking a chance by buying these items to then have on hand and be ready to sell the instant her death goes public. If they're one of the few with such memorabilia ready and waiting to sell, they'd probably make good money.