That's not a fair comparison. A fair comparison would be their relationship once all the info on Epstein was out. Trump de-friended him even before that.
See my reply to you below. I'm skeptical about Trump too. Seems like the only thing we disagreed about was something that I readily admitted I was wrong about as far as even bad people being useful.
That's not a fair comparison. A fair comparison would be their relationship once all the info on Epstein was out. Trump de-friended him even before that. there any information on when and if Tucker "de-friended" the Crack Head kiddy diddler?
,,,what about Trump touting the 'Vaccines"?
See my reply to you below. I'm skeptical about Trump too. Seems like the only thing we disagreed about was something that I readily admitted I was wrong about as far as even bad people being useful. and I are two wings on the same bird... wing may go down...
...the other may go up...
...but the bird eventually gets to where God intended for her to be... high fren!
Sorry, just noticed the question...No, idk if there is any info on that or not tbh.
...I will save you the trouble of looking...
...there isn't any...
...only Carlson knows...
...and he ain't talkin'....
See kash Patel for response and I am surprised at this attack.