282 Tucker: We should be very concerned about this (youtu.be) posted 2 years ago by ashlanddog 2 years ago by ashlanddog +285 / -3 122 comments share 122 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Tucker drops a Q or flat out says "Qanon" almost every day. Did you see the "Q Fever" quote from the other day?
Yes, Tucker always mocks the MSM hysteria over “QAnon.”
Everyone wakes up at a different pace and one of the magical things about life is we are all free to believe whatever we choose. I still find value in his message, so I still listen.
You listen to Tucker Carlson every day? My goodness man
I couldn't exercise discernment if I didn't at least listen to what he has to say.
You listen to cnn every night too than?
Usually just the headlines from madcow and others, can't stand to actually listen