Associated with the 4 seasons, 4 cardinal points (N, S, E, W), 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).
4 is the number of justice and stability.
4 as a Christian symbol is that this number is associated with the cross and also with the crucifixion of Jesus. It is also important to say that there are 4 letters in the name of God (JHVH).
4th day of the Creation represents the completion of the material universe. On the 4th day of the Creation God created the sun, as well as the moon and the stars.
In the Tarot number 4 is known as the Emperor card = GEOTUS
That explains all those tweets Scavino was always doing of the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels last summer. Those comms are starting to make more sense in this context.
"Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith was recorded on March 14, 1975, which is 47 years ago. 45 = DJT, 46 = JB
March 14 is tomorrow.
"A close relative of the phoenix,[2] the Thunderbird could create storms as it flied and was highly sensitive to danger "
"The Thunderbird was described as having a head that was "similar to that of an eagle"
"I wanted to have one thing that was quintessentially American, and the Thunderbird is." -- J. K. Rowling.
4 Thunderbirds
The meaning of the number 4.
Associated with the 4 seasons, 4 cardinal points (N, S, E, W), 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).
4 is the number of justice and stability.
4 as a Christian symbol is that this number is associated with the cross and also with the crucifixion of Jesus. It is also important to say that there are 4 letters in the name of God (JHVH).
4th day of the Creation represents the completion of the material universe. On the 4th day of the Creation God created the sun, as well as the moon and the stars.
In the Tarot number 4 is known as the Emperor card = GEOTUS
oh, Wulfy! You've done it again! Also ... according to the Symbolism guy, 4 is a comm meaning foreshadowing ...
That explains all those tweets Scavino was always doing of the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels last summer. Those comms are starting to make more sense in this context.