The reason we are all here is because of that gut instinct and the love we have for a better world. We know we are right about what’s happening and logic keeps bringing us back....
We were born for this moment in history.
The reason we are all here is because of that gut instinct and the love we have for a better world. We know we are right about what’s happening and logic keeps bringing us back....
We were born for this moment in history.
Yes, it's quite a moment. Some might say it's a Biblical moment.
I do not find it fearsome not to know exactly what's going on. I know enough, and I have learned to be okay and at peace, trusting that God, with whom the good guys are partnering, knows what he's doing. I would say it's more of a thrill, like that first hill on a roller coaster.
Wait till you see what he does. The whole world is being flipped upside down, or better to say, right side up.