This introduces a significant kink to their narrative slinky: If the woman and her UNBORN baby have "died", then whose photos were the UKR Ambassador showing the UN Security Council on Friday when he was singing the blues? IIRC, he said the baby was delivered later on in the evening after that triage pic was taken, and that the baby was healthy and both were doing fine.
If a hoax is busted in the forest, and no one is there to keep the narrative going... did the woman exist in the first place?
Well... since she's a model and crisis actress... I'm sure we'll be seeing her again soon. :>)
NBC won't report on all the miscarriages due to the clotshot tho. They only care about what their war-mongering owners pay them to care about.
This introduces a significant kink to their narrative slinky: If the woman and her UNBORN baby have "died", then whose photos were the UKR Ambassador showing the UN Security Council on Friday when he was singing the blues? IIRC, he said the baby was delivered later on in the evening after that triage pic was taken, and that the baby was healthy and both were doing fine.
So, what you're sayin' here, NBC, is that a "clump of cells" only matters if it fits your news narrative.
'In the chaos medical personnel didn't have time to get the woman's name before her husband came and took away her and the baby's bodies.'
So they just let some random guy pick up unidentified bodies? No records made? No questions asked?
Their heartstring-tugging story got busted wide open when anons pegged this gal as being a well-known IG influencer.
Reposting reports on maternity ward 'victim'/instagram influencer