What about keeping them alive and forcing them to work 16 hours per day in a factory, or in a field picking cotton, and letting them rent everything including their cloths, let them live in a Chinese style slave apartment with cameras streaming live to the world to see?
Their diet can consist of the sonic lentils they serves at the Olympics, locusts cakes and the occasional mealworm pie as a reward.
What about keeping them alive and forcing them to work 16 hours per day in a factory, or in a field picking cotton, and letting them rent everything including their cloths, let them live in a Chinese style slave apartment with cameras streaming live to the world to see?
Their diet can consist of the sonic lentils they serves at the Olympics, locusts cakes and the occasional mealworm pie as a reward.
Working in a factory or in any form of farm allows them to sabotage.
Not worth.