It’s illegal to be conspire against the U.S. government as part of a communist coup so no, no rights were violated by McCarthy and he actually didn’t go far enough. Hollywood has lied to you bud. The communist threat was real. After the Soviet Union fell, the documents came out proving this. All those movies you watched about how terrible the blacklist was, and what a paranoid freak McCarthy was, were made before the Soviet Union fell and those documents came out, so consider all those Hollywood movies debunked. Those filmmakers were commies. Have you watched their movies? The communist subversion is obvious.
It’s illegal to be conspire against the U.S. government as part of a communist coup so no, no rights were violated by McCarthy and he actually didn’t go far enough. Hollywood has lied to you bud. The communist threat was real. After the Soviet Union fell, the documents came out proving this. All those movies you watched about how terrible the blacklist was, and what a paranoid freak McCarthy was, were made before the Soviet Union fell and those documents came out, so consider all those Hollywood movies debunked. Those filmmakers were commies. Have you watched their movies? The communist subversion is obvious.