A lot of things shouldn't be on that list. It was written by a moron who doesn't know what he's talking about and who seems to think something with a "chemical" name makes it bad. This is the kind of person who'd be terrified of dihydrogen monoxide (water).
MSG probably shouldn't be included in this list. 😑
yeah we all eat that garbage anyways anytime we eat out
MSG isn't garbage. You've been lied to. They want you to eat sugar for "flavor" and not MSG.
HSG > Sugar
Exactly. It's not exactly good for you, but you wouldn't get sent to prison for feeding it to your child.
A lot of things shouldn't be on that list. It was written by a moron who doesn't know what he's talking about and who seems to think something with a "chemical" name makes it bad. This is the kind of person who'd be terrified of dihydrogen monoxide (water).
Borax is great supplement as well. And yeah. MSG is fine. It just makes superficial people act emotional.