posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +13 / -2

Previous History Lesson

In light of the call for the Fatima Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for Ukraine and Russia, I thought I'd give you jobbers a run-down of, all, a Catholic (which I am), Esoteric/Rosicrucian, and Knight's Templar/Our Lady perspectives.

I'm also gonna start including TL;DR's because not everyone has the time to read it all.


  • Catholics see her as the Immaculate Conception, which is to say the unblemished womb / Virgin. She said YES to God while Eve said NO. She has authority to dispense the Holy Spirit and Grace of God like she did at the Wedding Feast in Cana, where she persuaded Jesus to turn water to wine. "Do as he says."

  • The Rosicrucians see her as the Perfect Vessel and the Virgin Alembic; as a the ideal and unused crucible in which the Fires of the Holy Spirit coagulate the Universal Substance into New Life -- the Philosopher's Stone.

  • The Knight's Templar and Adherents to Our Lady take it further, and say that she IS the Holy Spirit of the Trinity and not just their Vessel -- that she IS the avatar of the Holy Spirit and that God is Triune because God is the Family Unit; Father, Mother, Child.

I will not be getting into theories of siblings Jesus may have had. That's it's own topic, and most of the above strongly disagree with the notion Mary ever slept with Joseph. They all strongly agree that she was a Perpetual Virgin.

Alright, let's add meat to each of these, starting with the Catholics.

Catholics have a fascination with Mary because she represents obedience to God in every way. Mary was with Jesus for his entire Mission, right at his side for nearly every event. She was at the foot of the Cross. There's actually no figure in the Bible as compliant to God's will than Mary, and none which had to endure so much heartache. While Jesus took all the suffering, Mary spent her ENTIRE LIFE knowing what would happen to her son; she had to sit back and watch everything that transpired and not lift a finger to change the series of events.

While Jesus took both psychological and physical torture, Mary endured an equal portion of the psychological. What mother would willingly endure such a horror? To see her son ripped apart by the scourge, mocked and ridiculed by the ones he had healed, to have all his friends abandon him, and then to die after having been nailed to a cross.

She is without a doubt the most potent and empowering female figure in all of history. "Real" feminists have no other role model than her. She exemplifies everything a woman is supposed to be; brash and demanding of her son like at Cana, obedient to God as to be his handmaid, loyal to her son no matter his fate, and a loving wife to Joseph.

Oh, and who do you think made Jesus' vestment? The precious one which lots were cast because it was woven without seam. Yeah, Mary was a heck of a seamstress, as most women were in those days.

Canonically, they also say she was Assumed into Heaven, which is to say she was swept up like Elijah by a Chariot of Fire and spared the Sting of Death. She is said to be in Heaven, both Body and Soul, which is the Fulfilment of the Resurrection Jesus has promised us all -- that at the End of Ages we be reunited with our Physical Body and Heaven will descend onto the Physical Realm, as it was with the Garden of Eden.

So, that's how the Catholics view Mary. They don't "worship" her, but they do see her as not only the most prototypical model of a Faithful Christian, but as THE most prototypical model of a Faithful Christian. To Catholics, no human has ever been as devout, and so she is the highest station Humanity can achieve without being fully Divinity like Jesus. Catholics pray the Rosary to ask for her to direct Jesus as she did at the Cana Wedding Feast.

Okay, Rosicrucian time. First, I'd say that it is nebulous, so not all of the Esoterics would agree on the framework I'm about to present. It is, however, what the Theory of the Philosopher's Stone suggests, so consider it the baseline all other ideals hover around.

Mary is seen as the Womb of Divinity. That's not to say she is Divine, but that she is the only appropriate Womb in which Divinity can reside. And when I say "Womb" I mean like a container.

What do all these have in common?:

  • Ark of the Covenant
  • Tabernacle
  • The Holy Grail
  • Tomb of the Resurrection

They're all containers. Specifically, they are Divine Containers.

Among them, Mary is preeminent. Before Time began, Mary was chosen as the container for the Incarnation. She was made for that purpose, and she performed it flawlessly.

When God birthed Adam, he birthed him from dust and mud. The Earth was the womb Adam gestated in. When God birthed Jesus, He used Man. Jesus is the Son of Man, while Adam is the Son of the World. The Former outranks the Latter due to Adam's malfeasance.

Adam was molded and cast like a bronze sword, and from the Earth he emerged.

Jesus, however, was Grown in Man, in and from all our Hearts, and took form in Mary's Womb.

She is the Vessel of Divinity. To the Rosicrucians, she IS the Vessel. Any container you can think of pays homage to her, as in the Mind of God she predated them all. Every time you acquire a new item, you must first release it from its packaging. This is the Birth. Whenever you craft something for a Loved one, you must wrap and protect it for its journey.

Before I formed thee in the womb, I knew thee, and before thou camest out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and ordained thee to be a Prophet unto the nations. - Jeremiah 1:5

We were all crafted by God before we were put in our containers and shipped to the Physical Realm.

The Vessel, and Ferry for our journey was overseen by our Beloved Mother, the Mother of Mothers, Mary -- the Immaculate Conception (who overcame the Original Sin of Adam).

In the Alchemical Process, the Chemical Marriage, Alchemists use an Alembic.

In such a vessel the mixture is to be sealed hermetically, and digested so long till it is fixed into a dry concretion; but, if, as we observed, the moisture should predominate, there is great danger of the vessel bursting, with a vapour which cannot be concentered by the fixing quality in the matter. - Of the Union or Mystical Marriage in the Philosophical Process.

This is the Womb of Creation for the Stone. All things "Made" are formed in a Womb, whether it be a physical womb or the womb of your Mind.

Every step Creative Process perfectly follows the process of Birth; Conception, Gestation, New Life.

Planting, Growth, Harvest.

This is the Significance of Mary to the Rosicrucians. Without her, and all that which is modeled after her, nothing could be borne into the world. That is to say, there must always be a Virgin Mary figure in Creation, no matter who is chosen to be that figure. We live in a Fractal Universe, where patterns repeat at many scales of thought and dimension.

Finally, we have the Knight's Templar and Our Lady worshippers.

I'll keep it brief, because this is a dangerous line of thought that goes far beyond mere Devotion and into a near Cult Worship of Mary. There are many sects, and not all believe the same ways.

Some seem to think that the Knight's Templar saw Mary as Divine -- that her Immaculate Conception was proof of her standing in the Holy Family model of the Trinity. The Original Knight's Templar seem less likely to go that far, but it likely evolved enough for the Catholic Church to see them as Blasphemers in need of execution. In reality, it's more likely they were taken out because the Knight's Templar began to set up their own Bank and Currency systems outside of the Vatican's purview.

Anyways, some sects followed the Hermetic and Gnostic ways, where Mary is sometimes venerated as a literal godess and the Cosmic Virgin:

Only the "Mother of God" is exempt from it, the "virgin immaculate," through whose Seed the world shall be redeemed. "As the lily among the thorns," sings the Church in the "Office of the Immaculate Conception," "so is the Beloved among the Daughters of Adam. Thou art all fair, O Beloved, and the original stain is not in thee: Thy name, O Mary, is as oil poured out; therefore, the virgins love thee exceedingly." If, then, by Persephone or Koré, the "Virgin of the World," we are thus plainly taught to understand the Soul, we are no less plainly taught to see in Isis, the Initiatrix or Enlightener. Herself, equally with Koré, virgin and mother, the Egyptian Isis is, in her philosophical aspect, identical with the Ephesian Artemis, the Greek personification of the fructifying and all-nourishing power of Nature. She was regarded as the "inviolable and perpetual Maid of heaven;" - Virgin of the World.

They see her as the Primordial Force of Creation/Nature/Birth and THE Holy Spirit, or at least its Avatar as Christ is the Avatar of the Father.

She also has symbolism associated with the oceans.

The Virgin Mary, the 'Star of the Sea', and Patroness of Sailors, rules and governs the ocean, and her colours are the ultramarine of the 'Deep', and sea-green, when viewed in this phase of her divine character. In all representations, ancient or modern, sailors have beardless faces, unless they belong to the reprobate and barbarian classes--such as pirates and outlaws, and men who have supposedly thrown off devotional observance, and fallen into the rough recusancy of mere nature. - THE ROSICRUCIANS AMIDST ANCIENT MYSTERIES. THEIR TRACES DISCOVERABLE IN THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD

If you're following my Cabal Comms, you'll understand how the Water = Information, so Mary being the Patroness of Sailors and any bastardized interpretation of her such as this image make more sense:


Keep in mind, the Satanists can't Create, only Corrupt.

The Dark Lady in the picture above is an example of the Corrupted Mary. They believe if they can corrupt the World, they can Corrupt God and all those who follow Him. They want to turn Mary into this monster.

They believe that Mass Consciousness is what dictates Reality, and so by enough people believing that Mary sat at the Cross like a masochist, reveling in her son's death and sacrifice, that they can make it a reality.

That's not to say that the Knight's Templar believe this. Rather, they believe the opposite is true, that Mary was a Loving Mother who was heartbroken, which is why they are a prime target for the Corruption. Satan revels in shattering peoples' beliefs, regardless of what they end up believing in the end. Evil cares not what replaces the Truth, so long as it is not the Truth.

For what man is there among you, which if his son ask him bread, would give him a stone? - Matthew 7:9

It's not that a stone is the opposite of bread, but that it simply is not what was asked for.

Satan wants us to think life is a Duality, which would make Black equal to White. Black is not the opposite of White, just as a stone is not the opposite of bread. This is Satan's grand illusion -- making it appear that the Darkness in which he hides is not of God's Creation. God made Light and Dark exists where the Light did not touch. Dark is a component of Light, and God knew of it before he spoke the First Flame into existence. Satan seeks to claim the Dark, and make people hate it and the Light for permitting the Dark to remain. Get rid of this Duality mind-set, and realize that Satan has no more power than what we give him. To think Satan, and Evil, is in some way the opposite of God, of the Good and Love, is to make the false assumption that Stone is the opposite of Bread.

That's all for now.