Is anyone seeing what's going on in China? They live like the dystopia of every sci-fi movie ever made.
It's actually worse. These people aren't human beings anymore. They are objects of the state and herd mentality has completely engulfed their humanity.
They are going full retard again over there. Fuck that place.
Because the Chinese see such measures and the compliance of their citizens to those rules as an accomplishment and something to brag about. They believe that Western democracy and free market economies are inherently flawed and inherently week. They see their government control of the citizens as something worthy of achieving and believe through such tactics they will eventually dominate the world stage and be in control of more of the world.
The speed at which the narrative around here on China flipped 180 degrees with everyone slobbering Xi's knob now, while China had changed nothing except exploiting the west's current vulnerability on the world stage for their own gain, it's all rather discouraging. Something something don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.
I know. A bunch of retards in here lately.
I doubt you have ever met someone from china. Where do you baseless opinions come from?
And how did you fail to notice guys like soros flipping on xi? I bet he wants him dead now just because.
Youre not paying attention.