Is anyone seeing what's going on in China? They live like the dystopia of every sci-fi movie ever made.
It's actually worse. These people aren't human beings anymore. They are objects of the state and herd mentality has completely engulfed their humanity.
They are going full retard again over there. Fuck that place.
I lived in Beijing. I worked with many of their Ministers. Don't be a fool. There is a huge group in the Chinese power circles that are trying to bring down the CCP.
Sure, the old guard is just as bad as you think... worse in fact. But there are good people all over the world (including China.) No way they could be public in their pursuits or they would be arrested and killed. Yet, they ARE there. The ARE working in the background. And don't be surprised when they show up eventually highly organized and well armed with evidence. Trump knows this.
So before you write off China as a lost cause... be open to the idea that good people there are aligned with masses of good people everywhere and that they DO HAVE A PLAN to counter the bad actors.
I don't believe the Chinese people are capable of living in a system other than the one they live in now. Well, capable is not the right word, rather, they simply don't want to. The middle class was created and repeatedly associated to the current system. Prior to that china was poorer than the rural poor over there presently.
If western shitlibs struggle just imagine what the Chinese people would be like. Some groups just want to daddy gov.