695 Putin calls out the Central Banks in his speech! Is this the first world leader to name the beast ? Go mad lad Vlad! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by bubble_bursts 2 years ago by bubble_bursts +695 / -0 70 comments download share 70 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
No it isn't the first world leader.
The first was Adolf Hitler. Then came JFK, then Gaddafi and then Trump. Now Putin. Might have missed some between JFK and Trump in the Middle East.
I have not personally come across any quotes by any of them calling out Central Banks directly. Would love to see some.
Me 2
Gaddafi gave a speech to the UN specifically citing how the US creates virus then offers a premeditated cures, among a shit load of other topics in (2009). Especially now that Russia has gone to task, this whole talk is pretty chilling.
That looks pretty interesting. I'm going to look for a transcript.