Something’s coming. Something they were hoping to stop by now. Something that was never supposed happen. That is the only reason this incredibly reluctant admission has at last been wrung from the New York Times in it’s front page ‘news’ coverage. Somebody is about to be indicted in the Biden Crime Family case being run by US Attorney David C. Weiss. This story in the NYT’s signals the beginning of a new controlled explosion. It’s an attempt to get out ahead of the counter-narrative development that’s coming to start the defensive spin as early as possible.
The further I look into Clown World, the Comms involved, and how pervasive it is in EVERY facet of life since 1900, it is a miracle any of us are awake. The illusion placed on this reality is lies on top of lies on top of lies. We have been so expertly mindscrewed with Alan wrenches since birth.