It has been said to me that God will not allow for me to endure any burden I cannot bear; but, that is not written any where in the Bible, I believe it to be a lie from the pit of hell. There is only so much a man can lose before he feels there is nothing left. How much longer frens? How much longer?
There is so much corruption, so much evil against innocents and so much physical pain directed at the little ones and elder alike. So much meanness, callousness and darkness. I have a hard time believing in the goodness of humanity or if anyone cares enough to preserve life. Are there any protectors left in our country? How do any of you hold on when all appears lost?
Been around since Ruby Ridge. I'm tired. I see humanity today and starting to wonder what exactly we are trying to save. My war is over. I am seeing truths posted by normies in soccer mom groups on social media on topics that would have been laughable by them 10 years ago. There are enough people awake now, and new to it that I'm kinda passing the torch. Usually if I find something on a dig, it's already been covered and spread almost in real time, within an hour or two. We are at some kind of precipice.I will be here for the collapse to help catch sleeping people when they see the real atrocities. I believe there will be videos released and mass hysteria. Until then, I am on standby and I'm taking a lot of breaks, reading great literature and enjoy fly fishing and skiing in some of the most beautiful places. I appreciate the little things more and more, and have come to love and know the Lord stronger than ever before. It's time I start de-briefing and living what is left of my life. All I have ever known is war and pushes for communism. Real tired. Being awake so long is exhausting. I'm certain that ignorance truly is bliss. Thy will be done. God already won. The road out is just really bumpy. I'm with you fren. Blessings and love to you. Hope you find peace.