My sister is one of those, strongly against the injection, but thinks Russia is going to end the world. Long story, but she's been lead to believe that Russia is on it's way to fulfill the end of times prophecy(which is possible) and they can't be doing good. I think she's slowly coming around to Ukraine government being bad though. I believe we could be in end of times, things are definitely falling in to place, but I'm more of "It's God's timing and not mine" and she's more "He's coming tomorrow (for the last 5+years) and we are supposed to stare at the sky until He comes or we will miss Him." Maybe not that drastic lol but it sometimes seems like it. I'm not one to say I know anything God has planned, it's His will not mine, so I definitely do not rule anything out. I can only have my wick trimmed, lantern filled and say His will not mine.
remind her that only our father knows when the end times, the second coming will happen.
there are 3 verses in the bible
and thank goodness she is a believer!
Q falls into that end times theory scarily perfect. Which is not a good thing. In Revelations, Q would be the bringing about of the light beast by ending the dark beast. Scary to think about
I think it’s because we can’t actually see it, or doesn’t affect our lives directly. The vaccine everyone could see and had to face the question on wether you did or did not want the vaxxx.
There is always a huge upfront buy-in from the public when the corporate media makes a new narrative change. Each time they launch a new narrative, it’s fresh and shiny and people are eager to feel as though their thinking is in unison with the TV screen. That’s a soothing state for them to be in and they only exit that state begrudgingly, once the new narrative is a couple years old and full of holes they can’t ignore and they are starting to feel stupid even pretending to believe it anymore. This is usually the time when the corporate media does their new narrative shift and everyone jumps over to whatever the fresh new thing is.
The only surprise here is the 32% non-vaxxed who think Russia is committing war crimes. It’s an uphill battle, Anons.
Battle against the brainwashing electric looking glass, adored across the country.
My sister is one of those, strongly against the injection, but thinks Russia is going to end the world. Long story, but she's been lead to believe that Russia is on it's way to fulfill the end of times prophecy(which is possible) and they can't be doing good. I think she's slowly coming around to Ukraine government being bad though. I believe we could be in end of times, things are definitely falling in to place, but I'm more of "It's God's timing and not mine" and she's more "He's coming tomorrow (for the last 5+years) and we are supposed to stare at the sky until He comes or we will miss Him." Maybe not that drastic lol but it sometimes seems like it. I'm not one to say I know anything God has planned, it's His will not mine, so I definitely do not rule anything out. I can only have my wick trimmed, lantern filled and say His will not mine.
remind her that only our father knows when the end times, the second coming will happen. there are 3 verses in the bible matthew mark acts and thank goodness she is a believer!
Yes, definitely blessed to be believers🙏 I've shown her some of those things, thank you!
glad to hear.
Q falls into that end times theory scarily perfect. Which is not a good thing. In Revelations, Q would be the bringing about of the light beast by ending the dark beast. Scary to think about
Lol. Not a soul will miss the return of the Lord.
Does your sister believe in man-made Global Warming?
Honest analysis questions, not an insult.
Not sure, it's never come up in conversation.
I think it’s because we can’t actually see it, or doesn’t affect our lives directly. The vaccine everyone could see and had to face the question on wether you did or did not want the vaxxx.
There is always a huge upfront buy-in from the public when the corporate media makes a new narrative change. Each time they launch a new narrative, it’s fresh and shiny and people are eager to feel as though their thinking is in unison with the TV screen. That’s a soothing state for them to be in and they only exit that state begrudgingly, once the new narrative is a couple years old and full of holes they can’t ignore and they are starting to feel stupid even pretending to believe it anymore. This is usually the time when the corporate media does their new narrative shift and everyone jumps over to whatever the fresh new thing is.
Many of the 32% who are against the jab but believe Putin's committing war crimes are likely FOX News viewers.