Firstly, the issue of fake accounts - there are tons of them. The only way I have found to trust a Telegram channel is to see its posts shared by another trusted channel.
Next, the scammers. Telegram seems to be doing fuck all to prevent bot accounts. I regularly get private messages from scammers. Delete and move on. Telegram lets you delete the convo from their end.
And of course change all of your account settings to private.
Informative channels to join:
DiscloseTV -
Qtah -
Blueprint -
Patel Patriot -
Brian Cates -
Mike Flynn -
Kanekoa the Great -
Project Veritas -
Covid Truth Network -
George News -
BioClandestine -
Intel Slava Z -
Garrett Ziegler -
Thanks for the suggested list. I in no way support the Telegram Ghost Ezra account, that said I was amazed when I clicked the link to their account today (going to clear out many clutter/possible bot accounts) & found this weird message about Google sensorship:
I don't necessarily trust the people behind Telegram, but there is a lot of interesting discussion going on there relevant to the Great Awakening.
Dont trust anything that is given to you for "free"
Other TG channels to check out:
Midnight Rider Channel (Every Psaki highlight is added here live)
Intel Slava Z (Non-MSM version of Ukraine)
DismantlingTheCabal (a bit racist)
POYMemeFarm (our sense of humor)
Stranger Than Fiction News
The Sovereign Society
Yes, I dumped Ghost Ezra a long time ago.
I deleted my app from the google play store and instead downloaded it directly from the telegram website a little while back. The colors of the app icon is even reversed! When I heard that telegram blocked RT News, I immediately checked my app and there they were.
Kinda makes you think some of the stuff GhostEzra posts may be over the target, otherwise why censor? So far Apple has not censored his Telegram channel . . .
It does give me reason to wonder what is that account exposing?