Think it was a trip to Afghanistan. Could be wrong.
93 family members, and 45 grounded the plane.
Same weekend Blackhawks landed on Wilshire blvd.
Edit for spelling*
Agreed. Marine here, that was no training exercise.
Going off memory. It was some Guatemalan building to be demo'd within days.
Probable low yield nuke FF.
Think it was a trip to Afghanistan. Could be wrong. 93 family members, and 45 grounded the plane. Same weekend Blackhawks landed on Wilshire blvd. Edit for spelling*
We're both right.
Choppers were 2 weeks later. Not precise on exact dates. Didn't dig that deep.
That was a week or two later but gut feeling is that
the helo/chopper "exercise" were NOT an exercise and that some nasty sh-t (bioweapon, dirty bomb or the like) was pulled outta there and
that NP's "trip" was to get herself and her family to safety in a land far, far away.
Agreed. Marine here, that was no training exercise. Going off memory. It was some Guatemalan building to be demo'd within days. Probable low yield nuke FF.