One thing I know for sure is that if your not giving out of the little you have, you would find some justification for not giving out of the lot, if you had it.
(Do not think this is a comment aimed at your qualities, but is what I am repeating to myself)
One thing I know for sure is that if your not giving out of the little you have, you would find some justification for not giving out of the lot, if you had it.
(Do not think this is a comment aimed at your qualities, but is what I am repeating to myself)
I’ve stopped sending money to the failed GOP and send it to Mike now.
I get a better bang for my buck!
Yea the money that goes to GOP, you get Banged for the Buck.
Reminds me of that old joke that ends,
I got a f... for a duck, and a duck for a f..., and a buck for a f.... up duck.