Not sure what the hell is up, but I usually don't go to the doctor. Got some weird neurological issues like ringing in the ears, anxiety, and muscle spasms and tics.
Just want to feel around to see if any of you guys are experiencing the same thing.
I've heard from a cple of people that they are experiencing the same thing. I've seen a lot of spraying by planes and I know 5g has been deployed.
Not saying this is what is wrong with me, but I find it strange that I'm having these all of a sudden for no apparent reason. Unvaxxed and trying to live healthy.
My daughter had bad panic attacks at night, which went away when she took Core Complete (a source of magnesium and other organic foods in liposomal pills). I also stocked up on it as a food source for a rainy day. It is about $2.30 per packet. Also has our omegas. I got mine here... Don't bother joining, just try the product, if you want. I love it!