I was a cancer and AK amputee patient at Mayo Rochester. Went in for routine post op scan, and my Chest CT showed a new nodule consistent with a recent infection. Doc Lewis, my oncologist, asked if there was any reason for this...I said yes, I had a good old fashioned head cold last week. Brought home from my daughters elementary school, and passed through the house like every cold in history. Lasted about 2 days, and treated with OTC. He and I then joked around about what variant we should call the original 1985 AMA head cold! He laughed, and seemed to understand my sarcasm...he is from Trinidad....this becomes important later.
I finished that appointment with no issue, and went to Ortho Oncology to review my amputation progress. The nurse entered in full covid combat gear. Mr. XYZ, do you have covid? Um....no. Your records show you have covid.....Um, again...no, I am healthy. Well, Dr. Lewis reports you have Covid.
Ma'am, there has been a misunderstanding, I had a cold last week, thus explaining my chest CT. He and I jested about what variant that would be. Perhaps he did not get my sarcasm, as he is from Trinidad. I am pretty sure he understood, but there could be a communication issue.
You need to take a test Mr. XYZ or we will refuse service....well, I didn't take a test, and was escorted out of the building like a leper.
I looked up Doc Lewis' clinical notes...he reported that I had had a recent NON-NOVEL CORONAVIRUS....the truth. Then I looked up the nurses notes...Mr. XYZ was joking around about having Covid 19, so we are refusing services to him as he has refused testing. There is a big difference between Non-novel, and novel....but even then I was fine with the refusal of service that day, and did not make a fuss. I did request that the nurse update my records with the truth and not a narrative supporting Dr. Houdek's action's to refuse service. She refused to answer my request. Two days later, Doc Lewis changed his notes from "Non-novel" to Mr. XYZ presented with C-19, and I suggested that he be tested, a test was ordered! That never happened, and I called them out on it.
All I asked for, was for my records to indicate the truth and reflect the original entries, and they refused...three days later I am banned for life due to my racist and verbally abusive behavior for referring to Doc Lewis as Doc Trinidad, with his permission! When I first met him, I asked where he was from...I have spent a lot of time in that area sailing. I love the folks, the culture, and the environment. He and I talked about our common history and visitation of the area....I asked him if I could call him Doc Trinidad, as I had met about 50 folks that day, and would not remember everyone's name...."ABSOLUTELY...that would be great!!!"
The cover up is always bigger than the crime. I scared someone on the legal team with my emails....Fortunately, I had already begun the transfer of service to another facility, as I no longer trusted Mayo. I don't trust any of them anymore...C-19 theater has destroyed the integrity of all medical facilities.
Think you will find alot of people spend alot of $$ for education so they can be employed. More to the point literally anyone who had a life saving operation had a immense desire to be healed. I myself spent 45 days in the hospital after being clinically dead. I had tried unsuccessfully over the prior year to have what would have been a "normal" surgery. Instead I got to the point where they said you need surgery NOW! Hand me a form & skip the whole what have you eaten/drank, medications list, or anything because of the whole death thing. I spent plenty of time TRYING to go to the hospital, then NEEDING the hospital to save me. So save me the noone WANTS to go to the hospital drathering. Was it fun? NO. However I saw people literally gain their eyesight who seemed positively thrilled from their arrival through their stay. In this country you're more than welcome to die at home never having gone to the hospital. Even people who end up in the hospital are offered to leave AMA. So every adult in a hospital has CHOSEN to be there.
Sorry for your ordeal but i fail to see where you, or anyone, "wants" to be at a hospital. Given the choice, aside from having no other (as you described), no one relishes going to hospital for anything.
Youre confusing want with no other choice, in your case. Theres a hell of a lot more that go when they dont need it....like all this covid bullshit. Sure thats a choice, but its borne of ignorance more than a real need.