A lot of the information in the New Testament is presented in symbols. Overly literal interpretation is a big problem, and is rooted in a lack of spiritual understanding.
Like the Greeks or Romans may have believed the Sun was a god, instead of believing it is a star undergoing nuclear fission.
If you really want a doozy, however, consider this.
The Israelites were waiting for the Messiah to arrive. The last prophecy in their tradition prior to the era of Jesus himself was in the book of Malachi. Check out 4:5.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.
So essentially, this is a prophecy there would be the second coming of Elijah. He would return.
Now, Elijah had been seen going to heaven in a fiery chariot. 2 Kings 2:11.
The spiritually dull Israelites believed he would return in the same way. They were looking for his second coming.
Now, when Jesus appeared, with his disciples declaring him to be the prophesied Messiah, they were not believed and got flak. "If he's the Messiah, then where the heck is Elijah, huh? You're full of it!"
So, this was a massive barrier to the population of Israel accepting Jesus as the Messiah.
Did Elijah return? Was he sent by God? How did the second coming of Elijah take place?
This is tied to the question of why John the Baptist, despite his massive influence and reputation in Israel, did NOT send ANY disciples of his, or lead any people to Jesus. Following John’s revelation that Jesus is Christ, there is NO record of him ever testifying to Jesus again. In fact, instead of working with Jesus, after he baptised Jesus (at Jesus insistence), John kept doing the same thing he was doing before, and never joined or walked with Jesus. Isn't that strange? If you were a great prophet, and the Messiah shows up, and you even get a revelation that he IS the Messiah, do you just ignore him then, and keep on with your old daytime job? It makes no sense.
How great was his reputation? John 1:19 And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elijah? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No.
They thought he was so great that he might actually be Elijah, but John said no.
But was he correct? What did Jesus say? On two occasions Jesus testified that John was the second coming of Elijah.
When the disciples got challenged about Jesus being the Messiah because Elijah had not returned, they went and asked Jesus about this. Matt 17:10 The disciples asked Him, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” Jesus replied, “Elijah does indeed come, and he will restore all things. But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him whatever they wished. In the same way, the Son of Man will suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples understood that He was speaking to them about John the Baptist.
Again, as recorded in Matt 11:14: For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. He who has ears, let him hear.
So, when Jesus declared that he IS the Messiah, but John, who WAS the second coming of Elijah, denied that he himself was Elijah, the Israelites had no choice practically but to disbelieve Jesus.
John was supposed to clear the way for Jesus, and to become his greatest disciple. But here is the sad truth, that many have failed o understand.
John was Jesus second cousin. He was raised in the household of Mary’s cousin Elizabeth, his mother, who herself had already testified to Mary that she recognized that Mary was pregnant with the Lord.
Although John led an outstanding life of asceticism such that the leaders of Israel though he might even be Elijah, he himself denied it. He was spiritually ignorant. Had he been raised and educated to understand that his second cousin, Jesus was the Christ? No.
Even if he had not understood that he was himself the second coming of Elijah, as soon as Jesus appeared, he should have followed him and understood what his mission was.
If the Great Prophet John the Baptist testified to all Israel that Jesus was the promised Christ, they would have flocked to him and believed in him.
Instead, John did not follow or support Jesus. In fact, it is AFTER this failure of John the Baptist to unite and work with Jesus that Jesus went into the desert to do a 40-day fast. Would this have been necessary if John had united with him? No.
In the end, John the Baptist got distracted by an inconsequential political issue – Herod’s wife – and was imprisoned and decapitated. Also, note, that at the end of his life, he even sent disciples to Jesus to ask him
Matt 11:3 “Meanwhile John heard in prison about the works of Christ, and he sent his disciples to ask Him, “Are You the One who was to come, or should we look for someone else?”
Let that sink in. The supposedly greatest prophet to live who lived in the actual lifetime of the Messiah, and who was even his relative, had to ask, in prison, are you really the Messiah?
Jesus responds by lambasting John, and in the end even say even the smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than him (john). Why/ because even the smallest in the kingdom of heaven KNOWS that Jesus is Christ.
This is the sort of spiritual ignorance that plagues many today. And, God has already shown through scripture HOW a second coming takes place: someone who comes with the same mission, in the spirit and power of the original, that is the second coming. Yet, almost all Christians today are waiting for Jesus to appear in the sky, like some supernatural being.
Is it possible that when the Second Coming of Christ arrives, that he is also misunderstood, persecuted and rejected in the way Jesus was? It should be obvious to anyone who knows scripture that this exact situation is predicted by Jesus himself.
I'm assuming that since you wrote this, you know who DJT actually is then????
If you unstated what I mean, I will tell you there is also a 'Christian' lady out there who also knows, but doesn't openly talk about it.
She has a large yt channel and talked about Q and many prophetic things, but unfortunately was wrong about much of it... which really surprises me since she actually got this...
Every eye has seen and every ear has heard, yet most of the world is blind still..
There are some out there who know.
If you understand what I'm talking about, and you want to know who the woman is (she's on rumble now) her name is Melissa Redpill the World and her Channel was Freesom Force Battalion.
And no she isn't me. Im a dude. And I've pmed her about it years ago, and she agreed.
I suspected she knew, which is why she made in depth geneology videos on DJT
I'm going to cut directly to what you've implied and say, nope that's not it. (Assuming I haven't misunderstood what you are saying.)
But just in case I have, I'll say this. DJT is essentially someone who stands in a John the Baptist-like role. He is the good John the Baptist, John the Baptist the successful. He is leading the charge on the external macro level, but he is an instrument. He was chosen for that role by God, and Christ, and he is indeed speaking in the spirit and power of Isaiah the Prophet, modern day, in one sense. But that's not in the sense that most Christians might envision that.
Since we are on the topic, I'll shoot you a PM, but first I'll check out what you've linked me to, to ideally get a surer idea of what you're saying!
A lot of the information in the New Testament is presented in symbols. Overly literal interpretation is a big problem, and is rooted in a lack of spiritual understanding.
Like the Greeks or Romans may have believed the Sun was a god, instead of believing it is a star undergoing nuclear fission.
If you really want a doozy, however, consider this.
The Israelites were waiting for the Messiah to arrive. The last prophecy in their tradition prior to the era of Jesus himself was in the book of Malachi. Check out 4:5.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.
So essentially, this is a prophecy there would be the second coming of Elijah. He would return.
Now, Elijah had been seen going to heaven in a fiery chariot. 2 Kings 2:11.
The spiritually dull Israelites believed he would return in the same way. They were looking for his second coming.
Now, when Jesus appeared, with his disciples declaring him to be the prophesied Messiah, they were not believed and got flak. "If he's the Messiah, then where the heck is Elijah, huh? You're full of it!"
So, this was a massive barrier to the population of Israel accepting Jesus as the Messiah.
Did Elijah return? Was he sent by God? How did the second coming of Elijah take place?
This is tied to the question of why John the Baptist, despite his massive influence and reputation in Israel, did NOT send ANY disciples of his, or lead any people to Jesus. Following John’s revelation that Jesus is Christ, there is NO record of him ever testifying to Jesus again. In fact, instead of working with Jesus, after he baptised Jesus (at Jesus insistence), John kept doing the same thing he was doing before, and never joined or walked with Jesus. Isn't that strange? If you were a great prophet, and the Messiah shows up, and you even get a revelation that he IS the Messiah, do you just ignore him then, and keep on with your old daytime job? It makes no sense.
How great was his reputation? John 1:19 And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elijah? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No.
They thought he was so great that he might actually be Elijah, but John said no.
But was he correct? What did Jesus say? On two occasions Jesus testified that John was the second coming of Elijah.
When the disciples got challenged about Jesus being the Messiah because Elijah had not returned, they went and asked Jesus about this. Matt 17:10 The disciples asked Him, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” Jesus replied, “Elijah does indeed come, and he will restore all things. But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him whatever they wished. In the same way, the Son of Man will suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples understood that He was speaking to them about John the Baptist.
Again, as recorded in Matt 11:14: For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. He who has ears, let him hear.
So, when Jesus declared that he IS the Messiah, but John, who WAS the second coming of Elijah, denied that he himself was Elijah, the Israelites had no choice practically but to disbelieve Jesus.
John was supposed to clear the way for Jesus, and to become his greatest disciple. But here is the sad truth, that many have failed o understand.
John was Jesus second cousin. He was raised in the household of Mary’s cousin Elizabeth, his mother, who herself had already testified to Mary that she recognized that Mary was pregnant with the Lord.
Although John led an outstanding life of asceticism such that the leaders of Israel though he might even be Elijah, he himself denied it. He was spiritually ignorant. Had he been raised and educated to understand that his second cousin, Jesus was the Christ? No.
Even if he had not understood that he was himself the second coming of Elijah, as soon as Jesus appeared, he should have followed him and understood what his mission was.
If the Great Prophet John the Baptist testified to all Israel that Jesus was the promised Christ, they would have flocked to him and believed in him.
Instead, John did not follow or support Jesus. In fact, it is AFTER this failure of John the Baptist to unite and work with Jesus that Jesus went into the desert to do a 40-day fast. Would this have been necessary if John had united with him? No.
In the end, John the Baptist got distracted by an inconsequential political issue – Herod’s wife – and was imprisoned and decapitated. Also, note, that at the end of his life, he even sent disciples to Jesus to ask him
Matt 11:3 “Meanwhile John heard in prison about the works of Christ, and he sent his disciples to ask Him, “Are You the One who was to come, or should we look for someone else?”
Let that sink in. The supposedly greatest prophet to live who lived in the actual lifetime of the Messiah, and who was even his relative, had to ask, in prison, are you really the Messiah?
Jesus responds by lambasting John, and in the end even say even the smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than him (john). Why/ because even the smallest in the kingdom of heaven KNOWS that Jesus is Christ.
This is the sort of spiritual ignorance that plagues many today. And, God has already shown through scripture HOW a second coming takes place: someone who comes with the same mission, in the spirit and power of the original, that is the second coming. Yet, almost all Christians today are waiting for Jesus to appear in the sky, like some supernatural being.
Is it possible that when the Second Coming of Christ arrives, that he is also misunderstood, persecuted and rejected in the way Jesus was? It should be obvious to anyone who knows scripture that this exact situation is predicted by Jesus himself.
Spiritual ignorance is a terrible thing.
Awesome write up fren!
I actual fly understand this but many don't.
I'm assuming that since you wrote this, you know who DJT actually is then????
If you unstated what I mean, I will tell you there is also a 'Christian' lady out there who also knows, but doesn't openly talk about it.
She has a large yt channel and talked about Q and many prophetic things, but unfortunately was wrong about much of it... which really surprises me since she actually got this...
Every eye has seen and every ear has heard, yet most of the world is blind still..
There are some out there who know.
If you understand what I'm talking about, and you want to know who the woman is (she's on rumble now) her name is Melissa Redpill the World and her Channel was Freesom Force Battalion. And no she isn't me. Im a dude. And I've pmed her about it years ago, and she agreed.
I suspected she knew, which is why she made in depth geneology videos on DJT
hahaha. Thanks for the reply.
I'm going to cut directly to what you've implied and say, nope that's not it. (Assuming I haven't misunderstood what you are saying.)
But just in case I have, I'll say this. DJT is essentially someone who stands in a John the Baptist-like role. He is the good John the Baptist, John the Baptist the successful. He is leading the charge on the external macro level, but he is an instrument. He was chosen for that role by God, and Christ, and he is indeed speaking in the spirit and power of Isaiah the Prophet, modern day, in one sense. But that's not in the sense that most Christians might envision that.
Since we are on the topic, I'll shoot you a PM, but first I'll check out what you've linked me to, to ideally get a surer idea of what you're saying!
I don't see any pm, did you send something?
not yet. Apologies. Hoping to soon.