Have you ever considered that the entire point of Q was to slow-walk us civilly into the literal Biblical end times? I am not saying that's what it is however that possibility exists. After all, it's going to be BIBLICAL didn't come out of thin air.
I would recommend being more open-minded about hot takes these days where everything is upside down. Anything is possible at this point.
That's possible. However, the Bible says even Jesus does not know when the end will come, so I doubt Q is better informed. 1 Peter 4:7 says "The end of all things is at hand". That was a while back, since then people have viewed various disasters throughout the ages as a sign that the end was near. As for people being immoral and dissolute as an indicator: its always been so; remember Lot.
As much as I appreciate where you are coming from, certain events have to happen for it to be fulfilled, correct? It's not about knowing when it will happen. It's about making it happen. Forcing God's hand, so-to-speak by forcing a chain-reaction of geopolitical events. As America weakens, Russia and China strengthen. You know the rest.
Just my two cents: the verse says we will not know the day or the hour, BUT read between the lines. Perhaps we can know ABOUT when Jesus will be returning. God says to look to the heavens and the sky's for signs. There has been some wild activity with blood moons and such. Moreover, HE will come like a thief in the night, but for whom? If we are awake with our lamps lit and ready, we will spot the thief. Only for those who are asleep will He be like a thief..just some thoughts..
Blood moons are nothing new. Some think the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem has to come first. We don't really know. The main point is get right with God and live your life as though each day is you last, always looking to Jesus.
More fearporn, by the look of it.
Have you ever considered that the entire point of Q was to slow-walk us civilly into the literal Biblical end times? I am not saying that's what it is however that possibility exists. After all, it's going to be BIBLICAL didn't come out of thin air.
I would recommend being more open-minded about hot takes these days where everything is upside down. Anything is possible at this point.
That's possible. However, the Bible says even Jesus does not know when the end will come, so I doubt Q is better informed. 1 Peter 4:7 says "The end of all things is at hand". That was a while back, since then people have viewed various disasters throughout the ages as a sign that the end was near. As for people being immoral and dissolute as an indicator: its always been so; remember Lot.
We are still here. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.
As much as I appreciate where you are coming from, certain events have to happen for it to be fulfilled, correct? It's not about knowing when it will happen. It's about making it happen. Forcing God's hand, so-to-speak by forcing a chain-reaction of geopolitical events. As America weakens, Russia and China strengthen. You know the rest.
Good luck to anyone trying to force God's hand.
Just my two cents: the verse says we will not know the day or the hour, BUT read between the lines. Perhaps we can know ABOUT when Jesus will be returning. God says to look to the heavens and the sky's for signs. There has been some wild activity with blood moons and such. Moreover, HE will come like a thief in the night, but for whom? If we are awake with our lamps lit and ready, we will spot the thief. Only for those who are asleep will He be like a thief..just some thoughts..
Blood moons are nothing new. Some think the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem has to come first. We don't really know. The main point is get right with God and live your life as though each day is you last, always looking to Jesus.