I think that the disconnects that are obvious is that:
Video games give you multiple lives. Even games where you must start over, it's not necessarily over. You maybe wasted a number of hours.
You live in a virtual world where things don't necessarily play out like reality. There's "what if" games or games, where monsters that don't really exists, do in its own virtual world, and they might even have humanoid characteristics. Obviously it is not real. Some even go over the top. I could go on with other obvious points, but I digress.
There is most definitely an overarching story in life. If you are any percentage religious you automatically believe in the overarching story to life. Most atheists are the same way, just different means. There's a new (and dangerous) line of thinking / beliefs that state (in summation) that nothing matters. They do not care if they accomplish nothing, pass nothing on to future generations, and have no stake in the future of humanity. All other ideologies require an overarching, larger than life, goal / path. In a sense, video games are meant to exemplify what is seen to make it so large that it is in your face, which generally provides entertainment value, mixed with a non-reality, because I don't know many people looking to clean their own house digitally and in real life. They play on the exciting aspects of some sort.
I ask if I am crazy, based on my connecting of what many games have portrayed and what is occurring in reality, if I'm seeing connections that are simply not there.
Listening to Tom Campbell physicist and reading his books on my big toe...theory of everything where he fills in all the bits neither quantum mechanics and relativity could ..because computers were not about .....he says this is a virtual reality...there are many others....and we log on and when the game is over...is the avator dies....you log on to another. ie you reincarnate.
Your consciousness grows in quality and what you accomplish in this life you start with in another life. So if you have acquired say telepathy and say the ability to leave your body and travel to other dimensions you will do that in your next life too.
To me it perfectly explains the vast difference you see in people..some have no awareness of anything but eating drinking and sleeping and sex.
It's not a pointless game....the goal is perfect love...no ego no fear..our consciousness enters the avator and the game commences. You choose the next game bearing in mind lack of progress say in a certain area....impatience perhaps.
People like Jesus Buddha etc have reincarnated many times and a stage is reached where you do not have to go through the getting born and growing up stages.....some visit all other dimensions or realms while they are still here and many near death accounts talk about this as they have died..left the body but sent back...
The real you...the individuated piece of consciousness is always you...growing or devolving over lifetimes..we were given our consc iousness from a bit of the consciousness of God ..
The books are very good..full of humour and Tom manages to simplify explanations so it's not too difficult to understand. You can read it free on the internet and there are lots of videos on the internet.
Tom worked with Robert Monroe when Robert began the gateway project...teaching people how to leave the body. . Robert Monroe had been doing this with no idea what was happening before he started exploring.
The CIA started sending their people to the gateway as their method faster than their own to learn to remote view etc.
I understand now there is hardware to get you out of body. You can see why militaries use this skill to spy ....
Remember the Buddha said this world is an illusion along with many spiritual people...even Elon musk thinks this could be a virtual reality.
Gurdjieff said without the constant stream of impressions we would die instantly.....this .over a hundred years ago is a good attempt to explain ..once the consciousness withdraws the aviator dies.
No the gateway program is to train to use our energy/astral. Body to go and remote view..your body is left behind..you are not hooked up to anything...
I completely disagree with this. Christianity is the ONLY religion to have a personal God. God cares about every person that He has given a saving faith. He knows His flock, and the flock knows their Shepard's voice. God calls Christians to life of gratitude based on the free gift of grace. If you are going to be honest with yourself, truly honest, you would admit that, not only are you NOT perfect, but also you are very wicked. Even the good people do is laced with selfish intent. Recently, I asked about taxable deductions with donating to churches, I defended that you should give to a church whether or not it's tax deductable. This would allow the church to speak more freely. The person stated that people will give more money if it's tax deductible. IS THAT RIGHT OR WRONG?! That is self-serving to give, because you could manipulate your taxes by donations. The same is true when you give money away to "feel" good, and it does feel good to give. "It is better to give than to receive" is even in the Bible. Again, doing something just because it makes you "feel" good isn't right either. It is also self-serving. Anytime you serve yourself when making a decision, you violate the 10 commandments, God's moral law for mankind, foremost is serving another god [lowercase g] instead of the true God. You can be your own god. You can "worship" yourself. It's one of the easiest ways to violate the 1st commandment. All this to say, that every sin, every wrong violates this statute. You cannot call yourself perfect, nor good, therefore, you need salvation outside of yourself. You have to look for a savior. Christianity 101(anything less than this is a malpractice of Christianity, which is rampant throughout the world): God offers His Son, Christ dies on the cross, ending the Old Covenant of works, as seen by the temple curtain splitting into two (think back to the Abrahamic Covenant when God alone walks between the 2 animal halves, symbolizing that if either group breaks the Covenant promise / oath, then God alone would be split into 2, this symbolically happens when Jesus Christ dies). The New and Better Covenant fully takes over, which actually began after the fall of Adam and Eve. God promised, not based on man's account, but because of God's own everlasting loving heart, full of compassion, promises that the offspring of the woman will crush the head of the serpent, Satan, the fallen angel. It is not fully realized until Christ's death on the cross. The old covenant passes, and the new comes forth in glory, with Christ at it's head, as Adam was the Covenant head of the 1st. 1st (old) covenant: covenant of works. 2nd (new) covenant: covenant of grace. G.R.A.C.E. God's Riches At Christ's Expense. God gives you, as a free gift, the righteousness that Jesus Christ earned from a perfect sinless life on earth, which then in the judgement day, grants you entry into heaven. Without that covering from His sacrifice, you have no chance to be admitted into heaven. People joke about how they will enjoy hell anyways. Spoiler: They won't. Imagine watching the worst mistakes of your life on repeat, when you are / were most ashamed of yourself, continuously, and that still does not do Hell justice. It is truly frightening. If you are interested in learning more about the real Christian faith, feel free to comment or DM me. I could go on for days about this topic, as the lies about Christianity are never-ending and to me, are obviously false.
Most religions require good works as a means of salvation / reincarnation / etc. The god[s] care nothing for you personally, they only care about themselves, they are ever changing instead of steadfast, they are fallible, making them as useless as an individual person (in the matter of eternal things), because their word means nothing. God is changeless, His steadfast love endures forever.
Maybe all of the above feels like non-sense if you don't believe in God. Consider the depths of any study. It all speaks volumes of intelligent design, those who sought as a life goal to disprove Christianity become Christians. Look at the unmoved mover, God is a mathmetician, 5 ways to God (involves the unmoved mover). The creation and sustainment of physics, math, etc. is not as simple as, it is because it is. The majority of the elite schools are atheist, the "top 1%" which is true. But the "top 1%" of these Ivy League schools are Christians and Jews, those who have a foundational knowledge of a Creator God, giving order and natural law to all that is around us. Michael Knowles speaks about this (sorry to point people to the stupid Daily Wire) in better detail. To deny God exists is possibly dumber than denying the existence of Klaus Schwab or George Soros. It's right there, in your face. All you have to do is open your eyes, mind, and heart to the truth.
I think that the disconnects that are obvious is that:
Video games give you multiple lives. Even games where you must start over, it's not necessarily over. You maybe wasted a number of hours.
You live in a virtual world where things don't necessarily play out like reality. There's "what if" games or games, where monsters that don't really exists, do in its own virtual world, and they might even have humanoid characteristics. Obviously it is not real. Some even go over the top. I could go on with other obvious points, but I digress.
There is most definitely an overarching story in life. If you are any percentage religious you automatically believe in the overarching story to life. Most atheists are the same way, just different means. There's a new (and dangerous) line of thinking / beliefs that state (in summation) that nothing matters. They do not care if they accomplish nothing, pass nothing on to future generations, and have no stake in the future of humanity. All other ideologies require an overarching, larger than life, goal / path. In a sense, video games are meant to exemplify what is seen to make it so large that it is in your face, which generally provides entertainment value, mixed with a non-reality, because I don't know many people looking to clean their own house digitally and in real life. They play on the exciting aspects of some sort.
I ask if I am crazy, based on my connecting of what many games have portrayed and what is occurring in reality, if I'm seeing connections that are simply not there.
I had over 4000 hours on MAG, maybe over 5000. I have over 3500 on Warframe. It's not wasted time.
Listening to Tom Campbell physicist and reading his books on my big toe...theory of everything where he fills in all the bits neither quantum mechanics and relativity could ..because computers were not about .....he says this is a virtual reality...there are many others....and we log on and when the game is over...is the avator dies....you log on to another. ie you reincarnate.
Your consciousness grows in quality and what you accomplish in this life you start with in another life. So if you have acquired say telepathy and say the ability to leave your body and travel to other dimensions you will do that in your next life too.
To me it perfectly explains the vast difference you see in people..some have no awareness of anything but eating drinking and sleeping and sex.
It's not a pointless game....the goal is perfect love...no ego no fear..our consciousness enters the avator and the game commences. You choose the next game bearing in mind lack of progress say in a certain area....impatience perhaps.
People like Jesus Buddha etc have reincarnated many times and a stage is reached where you do not have to go through the getting born and growing up stages.....some visit all other dimensions or realms while they are still here and many near death accounts talk about this as they have died..left the body but sent back...
The real you...the individuated piece of consciousness is always you...growing or devolving over lifetimes..we were given our consc iousness from a bit of the consciousness of God ..
The books are very good..full of humour and Tom manages to simplify explanations so it's not too difficult to understand. You can read it free on the internet and there are lots of videos on the internet.
Tom worked with Robert Monroe when Robert began the gateway project...teaching people how to leave the body. . Robert Monroe had been doing this with no idea what was happening before he started exploring.
The CIA started sending their people to the gateway as their method faster than their own to learn to remote view etc.
I understand now there is hardware to get you out of body. You can see why militaries use this skill to spy ....
Remember the Buddha said this world is an illusion along with many spiritual people...even Elon musk thinks this could be a virtual reality.
Gurdjieff said without the constant stream of impressions we would die instantly.....this .over a hundred years ago is a good attempt to explain ..once the consciousness withdraws the aviator dies.
Game over
Steward Swerdlow has several books on the CIA using people hooked up to computers to spy. He is a very interesting guy.
No the gateway program is to train to use our energy/astral. Body to go and remote view..your body is left behind..you are not hooked up to anything...
I completely disagree with this. Christianity is the ONLY religion to have a personal God. God cares about every person that He has given a saving faith. He knows His flock, and the flock knows their Shepard's voice. God calls Christians to life of gratitude based on the free gift of grace. If you are going to be honest with yourself, truly honest, you would admit that, not only are you NOT perfect, but also you are very wicked. Even the good people do is laced with selfish intent. Recently, I asked about taxable deductions with donating to churches, I defended that you should give to a church whether or not it's tax deductable. This would allow the church to speak more freely. The person stated that people will give more money if it's tax deductible. IS THAT RIGHT OR WRONG?! That is self-serving to give, because you could manipulate your taxes by donations. The same is true when you give money away to "feel" good, and it does feel good to give. "It is better to give than to receive" is even in the Bible. Again, doing something just because it makes you "feel" good isn't right either. It is also self-serving. Anytime you serve yourself when making a decision, you violate the 10 commandments, God's moral law for mankind, foremost is serving another god [lowercase g] instead of the true God. You can be your own god. You can "worship" yourself. It's one of the easiest ways to violate the 1st commandment. All this to say, that every sin, every wrong violates this statute. You cannot call yourself perfect, nor good, therefore, you need salvation outside of yourself. You have to look for a savior. Christianity 101 (anything less than this is a malpractice of Christianity, which is rampant throughout the world): God offers His Son, Christ dies on the cross, ending the Old Covenant of works, as seen by the temple curtain splitting into two (think back to the Abrahamic Covenant when God alone walks between the 2 animal halves, symbolizing that if either group breaks the Covenant promise / oath, then God alone would be split into 2, this symbolically happens when Jesus Christ dies). The New and Better Covenant fully takes over, which actually began after the fall of Adam and Eve. God promised, not based on man's account, but because of God's own everlasting loving heart, full of compassion, promises that the offspring of the woman will crush the head of the serpent, Satan, the fallen angel. It is not fully realized until Christ's death on the cross. The old covenant passes, and the new comes forth in glory, with Christ at it's head, as Adam was the Covenant head of the 1st. 1st (old) covenant: covenant of works. 2nd (new) covenant: covenant of grace. G.R.A.C.E. God's Riches At Christ's Expense. God gives you, as a free gift, the righteousness that Jesus Christ earned from a perfect sinless life on earth, which then in the judgement day, grants you entry into heaven. Without that covering from His sacrifice, you have no chance to be admitted into heaven. People joke about how they will enjoy hell anyways. Spoiler: They won't. Imagine watching the worst mistakes of your life on repeat, when you are / were most ashamed of yourself, continuously, and that still does not do Hell justice. It is truly frightening. If you are interested in learning more about the real Christian faith, feel free to comment or DM me. I could go on for days about this topic, as the lies about Christianity are never-ending and to me, are obviously false.
Most religions require good works as a means of salvation / reincarnation / etc. The god[s] care nothing for you personally, they only care about themselves, they are ever changing instead of steadfast, they are fallible, making them as useless as an individual person (in the matter of eternal things), because their word means nothing. God is changeless, His steadfast love endures forever.
Maybe all of the above feels like non-sense if you don't believe in God. Consider the depths of any study. It all speaks volumes of intelligent design, those who sought as a life goal to disprove Christianity become Christians. Look at the unmoved mover, God is a mathmetician, 5 ways to God (involves the unmoved mover). The creation and sustainment of physics, math, etc. is not as simple as, it is because it is. The majority of the elite schools are atheist, the "top 1%" which is true. But the "top 1%" of these Ivy League schools are Christians and Jews, those who have a foundational knowledge of a Creator God, giving order and natural law to all that is around us. Michael Knowles speaks about this (sorry to point people to the stupid Daily Wire) in better detail. To deny God exists is possibly dumber than denying the existence of Klaus Schwab or George Soros. It's right there, in your face. All you have to do is open your eyes, mind, and heart to the truth.
The video games themselves are weapons of the deep state.
Steal your time Energy Awareness to reality
They are trash