This war is Biblical and the only way we can overcome is with God's Help
I hope you've seen humanity without God is not good
Because of Greed, Power, and the very plans of Satan...we have wickedness, disease, and starvation
Nobody likes to be called a sinner
Well, you are one... without Christ, we are as loathsome as the stinkbugs we get rid of in our homes
Compared to good, you are a filthy rag
If you've never heard's time you do
If you were let in Heaven, the way you would stink up Heaven and bring death to a perfect atmosphere.
You are born that can't change it
God can tho...
Me going deep into why the Bible is real and Jesus holds it all together, using science, archaeology, History and everything logical to prove to you...
That will never work on lost people...that's just red meat for the saved
You have to see yourself the way God does
Did you know in the end....Does Jesus have to keep us all from killing each other?!
The elements will burn with fervent heat....sounds like nuclear
You don't need to worry about climate change
Humanity will never give that a chance....this Earth would probably like to puke us out
We are a curse to it
When you see how lost you are, then you may come to get saved.
That's why the Gospel is good news
Some of you took a red pill
But what you really need is the Gospel
Prove it.
The sheer level of ignorance displayed by you with each and every post is honestly staggering. The fact alone you're on this board that is a Q driven board that specifically mentions God in the drops themselves should have been a wake up call. I honestly feel for individuals like you who are so lost. The fact that even 4chan has had a huge coming to God revival and you're still lost mocking Christianity is almost comical if it weren't sad.
LOL You live a lie.
You'll figure it out at some point. Disclosure may help with that.
I knew I was right. You are a fucking sleeper shill leftist. Every comment from you dismisses every ounce of cold hard logic and you don’t have a single comment to back yourself in the face of direct evidence. Owned and debased faggot.
The only place you and being right co-exist is in your head. You have no literal idea what you're talking about. You're clearly too emotionally invested in your ideology to think objectively. This discussion is evidence of that.
Your god is a small minded one that attracts people just like him. Again, our discussions illustrates this well. He's perfect for you. Tell your mommy to get you another pacifier and change your diaper. You're really irritable.
Come back when you find a better god. Maybe you'll convince me then. But this one and its people are generally, retarded. Again, it's a perfect fit for you.
Have a wonderful day, fren!