Michael Jaco shows a British man who went to Ukraine who provides video footage from on the ground in the 'war zone.' He exposes all this massive video production and lighting equipment and lots of staged 'movie sets' such as a train station where the 'fake news' media is staging 'panicked evacuees' and manufacturing 'war scenes' in Ukraine.
This citizen journalist was in Ukraine on March 3rd to 6th (he shows local newspaper with date on it) and he walks the streets of Kyiv, he rides all over Ukraine on trains (which he says are running as normal), he goes to the grocery store and wanders around outside.
He found no signs of an active war - no troops all over the streets or military vehicles. Buildings that have been shown by the media as active 'bombings' of structures are largely old Soviet burned-out buildings from decades ago that film crews are staging fires inside with crisis actors playing parts of firemen and victims (he shows them lighting trash cans on fire by placing wood inside them too).
See 49:40 time stamp: https://rumble.com/vy4a7e-ukraine-drama-is-a-staged-event-like-covid-was.-real-limited-scale-war-blow.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2
Yes the video seemed substantive. Everyone just needs to be aware of this grifting con artist.
The fake truthers on youtube and telegram who make tens of thousands of dollars from conning naive patriots into paying for their "top secret Intel groups", where they are told mountains of nonsense and baseless claims, infuriates me.
If they weren't making money off what they're doing I wouldn't care, but they're making it hand over fist.
They really convince people that they are in Trump's secret group. I guess those are the same people who are triple jabbed.
Also hard to “ignore and move on” when this bullshit is stickied.
Dude. Jaco is legit. His background legit, he is willing to stick his neck and rep way out there and other notable good people also support him. Guys you wouldn't think are grifters. He never claimed to be an insider to trump, he has been inside on ways most of us haven't or ever will.
His military career is legit. He was indeed a Navy Seal. However he makes money hand over fist by promoting ludicrous products and courses teaching asinine concepts like "How to Remote View", "Past Life Discovery", "Unleashing Sacred Intimacy", as well as ridiculous "EMF Protection" jewelry, pendants, bracelets, etc...
He also tells ridiculous stories and makes claims about having participated in top secret military intelligence programs that required having his memory wiped. He claims to be a "Super soldier", and only recently recovered memories of the Rambo/Jason Bourne style top secret military programs he participated in for years throughput his military career.
The guy definitely exaggerates and distorts the reality of his background in order to sound like a rogue secret agent.
And once again. Makes fat stacks of cash. Hand over fist. And markets specifically to the "Q anon", older demographic who have a harder time realizing they are being thrown for a loop.