Has it occurred to anyone that in order to manipulate billions of people, the hyper corrupt pedo catholic church manipulated text... you know text that is 2000 years old.
You leave enough of the good stuff to hook people in but you edit other stuff to enslave the people.
Meanings are also lost in translation. For example Jesus isn't THE son of god, jesus is A son of god.
I fully expect people to come and try to gather people from the truth to join their "group". I fully expect that those groups could have gotten infiltrated, or perhaps even started as not great and just did what they had to do to keep the money flowing, so your argument isn't being ignored.
Jesus himself said that he was the Son of Man. That he came with a message from the Father in the name of the Father, he did not claim to be the Father. Jesus did claim to be the Teacher. I think he specifically choose Son of Man to let man know that we are all children of the Father. It it is written that God made each of us with his own hands. Son of Man only means born of a woman. Adam and Eve would both be considered Sons of God (angels) because the Father hand made them, they were not born. If the Scripture be true then we all are and Jesus came to remind us because we put other people above ourselves, as rulers, which we shouldn't do.
ugh my point is that you should look outside the box. And the box for you is the bible. Jesus has updated communications and because that communication is in a different form or isn't written in the bible it's dismissed as demonic or misleading on purpose. It's like arguing with someone who religiously watches CNN.
"A Course in Miracles: Based On The Original Handwritten Notes Of Helen Schucman--Complete & Annotated Edition"
I started reading this, there is no author, only a scribe. The Scribe only wrote down what the voice in her head was saying. The voice is jesus.
2000 pages and has daily exercises to learn how to perform miracles.
Ignore this or not, I put the information out there. Deep down we know when things are true or not. Here is a text example.
"Where could his freedom lie but in himself, if he is free already? And who could bind him but himself, if he deny his freedom? God is not mocked; no more His Son can be imprisoned, save by his own desire. And it is by his own desire that he is freed. Such is his strength and not his weakness. He is at his own mercy. And where he chooses to be merciful, there is he free. But where he chooses to condemn instead, there is he held a prisoner, awaiting in chains his pardon on himself to set him free."
"Why is it strange to you that faith can move mountains? This is indeed a little feat for such a power. For faith can keep the Son of God in chains, as long as he believes he is in chains."
"When you are tempted to believe that sin is real, remember this: If sin is real, both God and you are not. There is no choice but this. If creation is extension, the Creator must have extended Himself, and it is impossible that what is part of Him is totally unlike the rest. If sin is real, God must be at war within Himself. He must be split, and torn between good and evil; partly sane and partially insane. For He must have created what wills to destroy Him and has the power to do so. Is it not easier to believe that you have been mistaken than to believe in this?"
If you read this far, you have read updated communications from Jesus.
One of the biggest sins is giving oneself over to the rule of our fellow man< God said no. The world is living in sin that it is unaware of for not living in Faith is to have ones back turned to God.
Christ specifically speaks to this!
The laws are the 10 commandments and the Judge is the Father above. Breaking one of these laws is sin and would be considerable to waging war with God. Why, because God is within all! Jesus tells us this!
Effective slavery is one you do no know you are in. The Son of Man, Jesus called himself that, purposefully wore the chains to get others out of them. Think about it. He allowed himself into bondage so that those around him could see it, so that it would be documented, so that the laws of man might fall! He didn't break a single law, God's or man's and they still killed him. Used democracy to do it too!
I am not interested in the white washed channeled versions of I can make this or that happen with my mind. If I am to move any mountain it would be the one hoisted on the back of the most common man held in a bondage that he isn't even aware of!
They need us distracted so they can keep their power, influence and control.
He came in the flesh once already, why would he bother speaking through someone else when he knows how to be a human?
"The laws are the 10 commandments and the Judge is the Father above. Breaking one of these laws is sin and would be considerable to waging war with God. Why, because God is within all! Jesus tells us this!"
What kind of God can have war wagged on him? Your perspective is small and disempowering. War implies a chance to lose... lol come on. There is no war against God / Prime Creator. The idea that there is a war against god is a trick to fool you into chaining yourself up.
There are negatively oriented individuals, but they too will eventually return to Source. When you say there is war against god, you are peddling Satanic thinking. There is no war because there was never a chance for God to lose.
The only hell that exists is the one of your own creation in this existence. There is no such thing as death, you can lose your physical body but you never die.
The only Laws on this plant are Freewill and Karma.
To quickly explain Karma: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
There are no sins, the idea of sins is a satanic infiltration. But how do you know if something is "Good" or "Bad". You do something to someone and it feels "good" but to that person it feels "bad". How can you possibly know how that person feels unless you have that done to you.
Then karama comes around - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and that same thing that made you feel good doing has been done to you. Now you understand how that truly feels, now dont do that to other people.
"I mean, Jesus said it. Is Jesus a Sith?"
Has it occurred to anyone that in order to manipulate billions of people, the hyper corrupt pedo catholic church manipulated text... you know text that is 2000 years old.
You leave enough of the good stuff to hook people in but you edit other stuff to enslave the people.
Meanings are also lost in translation. For example Jesus isn't THE son of god, jesus is A son of god.
I fully expect people to come and try to gather people from the truth to join their "group". I fully expect that those groups could have gotten infiltrated, or perhaps even started as not great and just did what they had to do to keep the money flowing, so your argument isn't being ignored.
Jesus himself said that he was the Son of Man. That he came with a message from the Father in the name of the Father, he did not claim to be the Father. Jesus did claim to be the Teacher. I think he specifically choose Son of Man to let man know that we are all children of the Father. It it is written that God made each of us with his own hands. Son of Man only means born of a woman. Adam and Eve would both be considered Sons of God (angels) because the Father hand made them, they were not born. If the Scripture be true then we all are and Jesus came to remind us because we put other people above ourselves, as rulers, which we shouldn't do.
https://biblehub.com/bsb/matthew/23.htm Starts at v. 7
ugh my point is that you should look outside the box. And the box for you is the bible. Jesus has updated communications and because that communication is in a different form or isn't written in the bible it's dismissed as demonic or misleading on purpose. It's like arguing with someone who religiously watches CNN.
"A Course in Miracles: Based On The Original Handwritten Notes Of Helen Schucman--Complete & Annotated Edition"
I started reading this, there is no author, only a scribe. The Scribe only wrote down what the voice in her head was saying. The voice is jesus.
2000 pages and has daily exercises to learn how to perform miracles.
Ignore this or not, I put the information out there. Deep down we know when things are true or not. Here is a text example.
"Where could his freedom lie but in himself, if he is free already? And who could bind him but himself, if he deny his freedom? God is not mocked; no more His Son can be imprisoned, save by his own desire. And it is by his own desire that he is freed. Such is his strength and not his weakness. He is at his own mercy. And where he chooses to be merciful, there is he free. But where he chooses to condemn instead, there is he held a prisoner, awaiting in chains his pardon on himself to set him free."
"Why is it strange to you that faith can move mountains? This is indeed a little feat for such a power. For faith can keep the Son of God in chains, as long as he believes he is in chains."
"When you are tempted to believe that sin is real, remember this: If sin is real, both God and you are not. There is no choice but this. If creation is extension, the Creator must have extended Himself, and it is impossible that what is part of Him is totally unlike the rest. If sin is real, God must be at war within Himself. He must be split, and torn between good and evil; partly sane and partially insane. For He must have created what wills to destroy Him and has the power to do so. Is it not easier to believe that you have been mistaken than to believe in this?"
If you read this far, you have read updated communications from Jesus.
One of the biggest sins is giving oneself over to the rule of our fellow man< God said no. The world is living in sin that it is unaware of for not living in Faith is to have ones back turned to God.
Christ specifically speaks to this!
The laws are the 10 commandments and the Judge is the Father above. Breaking one of these laws is sin and would be considerable to waging war with God. Why, because God is within all! Jesus tells us this!
Effective slavery is one you do no know you are in. The Son of Man, Jesus called himself that, purposefully wore the chains to get others out of them. Think about it. He allowed himself into bondage so that those around him could see it, so that it would be documented, so that the laws of man might fall! He didn't break a single law, God's or man's and they still killed him. Used democracy to do it too!
I am not interested in the white washed channeled versions of I can make this or that happen with my mind. If I am to move any mountain it would be the one hoisted on the back of the most common man held in a bondage that he isn't even aware of!
They need us distracted so they can keep their power, influence and control.
He came in the flesh once already, why would he bother speaking through someone else when he knows how to be a human?
"The laws are the 10 commandments and the Judge is the Father above. Breaking one of these laws is sin and would be considerable to waging war with God. Why, because God is within all! Jesus tells us this!"
What kind of God can have war wagged on him? Your perspective is small and disempowering. War implies a chance to lose... lol come on. There is no war against God / Prime Creator. The idea that there is a war against god is a trick to fool you into chaining yourself up.
There are negatively oriented individuals, but they too will eventually return to Source. When you say there is war against god, you are peddling Satanic thinking. There is no war because there was never a chance for God to lose.
The only hell that exists is the one of your own creation in this existence. There is no such thing as death, you can lose your physical body but you never die.
The only Laws on this plant are Freewill and Karma.
To quickly explain Karma: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
There are no sins, the idea of sins is a satanic infiltration. But how do you know if something is "Good" or "Bad". You do something to someone and it feels "good" but to that person it feels "bad". How can you possibly know how that person feels unless you have that done to you.
Then karama comes around - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and that same thing that made you feel good doing has been done to you. Now you understand how that truly feels, now dont do that to other people.