Can everyone please get around to watching this documentary, came out Feb. Its almost Apr. 22 and it seems like close to half of the "great awakening" board still believe viruses are real. Its alarming.
Can everyone please get around to watching this documentary, came out Feb. Its almost Apr. 22 and it seems like close to half of the "great awakening" board still believe viruses are real. Its alarming.
I said "B.S." out loud when Dr. Kaufman talked about his theories about rabies. His claim is that "opportunistic" animals get ill eating decomposing animals, when they are not designed to eat such things like vultures, etc. Where do bats enter into that picture? They are insectivores. Also, this doesn't explain how/why rabies is transmittable.
I live in an area where raccoons and foxes frequently turn up rabid. They are wild creatures, not domesticated like dogs or cats.
Ahh I see. So he thinks they eat decaying flesh, which then poisons the animal causing their own cells to decay? Or something like that anyway. That seems like something hed be able to test and prove if true, hopefully we continue to learn more the next few months
Bats are the suspected reservoir. But nobody has a clue what the “patient zero” is for any disease.
My hypothesis is that all disease is an innate immune response hardwired into our respective genetic codes, and we pass along energetic signals that we perceive as either necessary instruction or irrelevant based on our combination of diet and environmental exposure. This would explain things like why almost 80% of SARS-COV-2 cases were asymptomatic or barely symptomatic. You only get sick if you NEED to get sick.
I don’t think the psychopaths in the field of virology know how to create a deadly infectious pathogen. I think it is far more likely they know how to create environmental (psychological is important also) and dietary conditions that spark an immune response that can be fatal. There is obviously way too much to unpack for a comment at 1:30 am, but look into it. This is an explanation of the world that fits our reality far better than the obviously nonsensical story we are told.