If you are the Temple of God and Jesus Christ is in you, why do you need intercession?
The most important thing to remember is the Roman Catholic Church (to my knowledge) is the only church that believes the host and wine become the body and blood of Christ.
Christ's Work of redemption is finished, His Blood was only required once to pay all of the debts of sin. The Bible is quite clear on this. And it's just common sense. If a priest is required to cause this "transubwhatever" and you are required to do it every week, what outcome is obvious? Church business, filthy lucre.
Another little Biblical truth, believers in Jesus Christ are kings and priests already. What do we need priests for?
We ask saints to intercede for us.
If you are the Temple of God and Jesus Christ is in you, why do you need intercession?
The most important thing to remember is the Roman Catholic Church (to my knowledge) is the only church that believes the host and wine become the body and blood of Christ.
Christ's Work of redemption is finished, His Blood was only required once to pay all of the debts of sin. The Bible is quite clear on this. And it's just common sense. If a priest is required to cause this "transubwhatever" and you are required to do it every week, what outcome is obvious? Church business, filthy lucre.
Another little Biblical truth, believers in Jesus Christ are kings and priests already. What do we need priests for?