This is what happens when you’re an illiterate, uninitiated moron. Who reads KJV and shit misreadings on it from wannabe emperors. Rome didnt even run the western world when Daniel was written. The Greeks did. And were trashing Israel. Greaves were not universal among Roman soldiers as they were for Greeks because of their tall shields. Greeks always ran greaves because of the phalanx formation with pikes always left their legs open.
Media was its own empire before being conquered by Persia which was then conquered by Greece. Media-Persian is a bastardization of the original to fit revisionism.
No it wasn’t. It is about the defilement of the temple of Israel under Seleucid occupation by a Jewish prophet exiled to Babylon during the reign of Alexander. Get lost retard. You know nothing.
Wikipedia is the only thing accessible to idiots like yourself because you clearly don’t have the reading comprehension for primary sources. Go drink some Mt Dew and blow Joel Osteen.
Head of gold; Babylon
Breast and arms of silver; Medo-Persia
Belly and thighs of brass; Greece
Legs of iron; Rome
No you got a problem, heretic, which one are you liars going to add?
This is what happens when you’re an illiterate, uninitiated moron. Who reads KJV and shit misreadings on it from wannabe emperors. Rome didnt even run the western world when Daniel was written. The Greeks did. And were trashing Israel. Greaves were not universal among Roman soldiers as they were for Greeks because of their tall shields. Greeks always ran greaves because of the phalanx formation with pikes always left their legs open.
Media was its own empire before being conquered by Persia which was then conquered by Greece. Media-Persian is a bastardization of the original to fit revisionism.
Get lost fucking moron.
Daniel was "written" during the reign of the Babylonians, fraud.
No it wasn’t. It is about the defilement of the temple of Israel under Seleucid occupation by a Jewish prophet exiled to Babylon during the reign of Alexander. Get lost retard. You know nothing.
Wikipedia is the only thing accessible to idiots like yourself because you clearly don’t have the reading comprehension for primary sources. Go drink some Mt Dew and blow Joel Osteen.
Where was Daniel at, fraud?